UNPLEASANT SENSATION HANDLING Unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods, even pain are factors in life. It is to be noted that unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods or pain can manifest at any time during study, and routinely do so for folks in their daily lives. Unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods and pain knock you out of being present. Indeed, when you run the “Presence Process” for an extended period of time, it is quite routine for unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods or pain to begin to “turn on.” Indeed, the Presence Process is used to benefit from this phenomenon. The reason being is that it is these unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods and pain that are an underlying cause of you not being as present, aware, competent and powerful as is your true nature. Thus, one of the processes used in the restoration of your true full powers, presence, awareness and competence is the Presence Process (for extended time) with the Unpleasant Sensation Handling to deal with the unwanted unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods or pain that are in your way. Some of our advanced processes for human development and ability enhancement directly ask for any unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods or pain that are connected to the area of ability or development being addressed. When a person finds they have any unpleasant sensations, feelings, moods or pain in the way of their being fully present, being able to be fully aware with their attention under their control as they want, or preventing them from being able to direct their powers as they want; run this process: First, have the person articulate or describe, as exactly as they can, the unpleasant sensation, feeling, mood or pain. Having them state or point to where it is located also helps. Then run the following process by asking: 1) “What part of (named sensation/mood/pain item) are you willing to experience?” Acknowledge the answer. Make no other comment. 2) “What part of (item) would you rather not experience?” Acknowledge the answer. Make no other comment. 3) “From where could a Godlike spiritual being experience (item)?” (acknowledge) Alternate these questions until the person has a win or is free from the sensation, or there is no more change happening (though the sensation/mood/pain should have diminished). Then ask: 1) “What part of (item) are you willing to create?” Acknowledge the answer. Make no other comment. 2) “What part of (item) would you rather not create?” Acknowledge the answer. Make no other comment. 3) “From where could a Godlike spiritual being create (item)?” (acknowledge) Alternate these questions until the person has a win or is free from the sensation, or there is no more change happening (though the sensation/mood/pain should have diminished). Then, if not completely resolved: 1) “What about the (item) could you desire?” (acknowledge) 2) “What about the (item) could you not desire?” (acknowledge) 3) “From where could a Godlike spiritual being desire (item)?” (acknowledge) Alternate these questions until the person has a win or is free from the sensation, or there is no more change happening (though the sensation/mood/pain should have diminished). This is quite a miraculous process. It restores to the person their ability to be present in the area and to be in control of the experience or creation of the unwanted sensation, mood or pain. Generally, the unwanted sensation, mood or pain vanishes. It is to be noted that, with the exception of physically caused pain due to illness or injury which benefit from medical treatment, most pain suffered by folks is spiritual in origin. It is because of this fact that the process above is so wonderfully workable. It is also true that physical pain is very often successfully handled with the above process, and such handling helps speed the physical healing. © Copyright 2008 by Roger E. Boswarva (Modified by DG) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED