Response Options:• The room is fine and I shouldn't be disturbed for a whileWrite on Report:PaulsRobot XXXXX (The module name, for exampleCoreor Morph) Mkgfhd Plokta (Your name) YYYY/MM/DD or XX/XX/XXXX (The date) Lpok jjhfdjd nfdjgew bhgbwdf ghug... (The instructions for this session, such as "Handle the upset over Mary") Well-rested? OK/Not OK
Notes:Is the room OK to have a session in?Is the temperature OK, not too warm or too cold? Is there fresh air circulating? Do you need to open a door or window or turn a fan on and get some stale air or smells removed? Are you likely to not get disturbed for the next thirty minutes or so? Turn off the phone if you have not already done so. Turn off (not down!) any radio, or TV, or source of chat or music. You will need your full attention for the session. I'm not kidding. This isn't a Teddy Bears' picnic. You will be handling some heavy stuff. If you are expecting not to get your feathers ruffled at all, either change your mind right now or don't go on any further. Tell others not to disturb you for now. Maybe put a sign on the door saying please do not disturb. Maybe go to a different computer. Maybe do this at a different time of day when things are quieter. If needed, clean up the area so it is not a distraction. You are about to put some order into your mind, and a tidy room will help. Don't try to do this session with the room a complete mess. It does not have to be perfect, just somewhat clean and tidy. |