Lucy giving a session

Common (Lucy): Say?

AUDIO: "OK. Is there anything you would like to say before we end this session?"

Response Options:


Write on Report:

__:__ (Current time)


Condition? Pjyu gnfh wterfa zcsjflgh mthe bfhd... (How you're doing right this moment, in your estimation, especially as a comparison to how you started the session, whether better or worse)

*SUDS/SUSHI score __/10 (optional)


Write down, and say aloud if you wish, anything you would like to say before the session ends.

Oh! I just remembered. . . .

If you suddenly thought of something that should have been done in this session, it's too late now, but you can always take it up in the next session if you wish.


SUDS = Subjective Units of Distress (Negative) Scale
SUSHI = Subjective Units of Session Harmony and Insight (Positive scale)

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