Paul giving a session

Ruds (Lucy): Missed Withhold — Else Justify? (1)

AUDIO: "Thank you. How else did you justify it?"

Response Options:

Ruds, going OK

I said aloud the details

I don't see any more justifications, but I've still got attention on it

I don't see any more justifications, and it's all fine nowAfter click, proceed to next step of your session plan •

Only if handling Q2 of an L1C

This is flat now. Back to the L1C


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time at the start of the rudiment
Write the command if you haven't already done so
Answer the question (but no more)
Give brief details of what, when, where
Give all the rest of it
Write who missed it
Give some details of that moment
Write who else missed it
Give some details of that time
. . .
Write how you justified it

Write how else you justified it (until flat)
For example:

5:18 pm
MWH? Yes
What? Kjmhj nhgg re tyd sdhssg fgbfe pwkls.
When? Nhwt vddfs plq.
Where? Mqdw stgra spplk.
All? Vfdw jjnhty qpal gheoi nfghfdk fjsdk. Mnfge bdhsg gfyrbc mnsd, sdwfs, mnbsg, pgoe ldkdh nnbms udhejw nhsdgrkd-dpsui mkj. Jdjdhe hdnsb ytfgqww.
Who? Mkwppl.
Do? Wsal kujyy gfqpl mns nhakk.
Else? Klmqq bdne.
Do? Mnh lopy mmqz bvwrt sfdb.
. . .
How J? Lmnq bh avzfs epoujg nhfyr tgdd.

Else J? Mwt trdg shyw poijuy.


Multiple justifications

There can be (but don't have to be):
  • dozens of different justifications for one overt/withhold, and also
  • a whole chain of similar instances of one single justification.
Just take them one by one as they come up. Spot one, note it, click the link, spot the next one, and so on.

Go with the flow

Like with the misses, just go with the flow. The idea is to release all the charge associated with your justifications for this overt/withhold, and if it takes one minute it takes one minute and if it takes an hour it takes an hour. If the action of spotting justifications is releasing charge continue with it. And if it isn't, then don't.

General instructions for L1C/Rudiments

(Full details here)
  • Thoroughly understand the command and what it entails
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till key-out and don't try to go on for some other end phenomena
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish