Paul giving a session

Ruds (Lucy): Start of Session


Response Options:

OK, great. Let's look at the main options

Whoops! How did I get here. Um....

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time, if not already noted)

TITS (This Is The Session) or
SOS (Start Of Session)

How doing? Pjyu gnfh wterfa zcsjflgh mthe bfhd . . . (How you're doing right this moment, in your estimation, to be used as a comparison to what you write at the end of the session)


This is the start of the session.

Whoops — not ready for a session right now

If you somehow got to this screen without paying attention to the earlier ones, which give important information and check that you are in a suitable condition for a session at this time, leave now and start at the first page. It is important to follow the instructions if you want to have a good session.