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BasicR3X: Explanations

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BasicR3X explanations only

This page deals with the BasicR3X module and related matters and not with PaulsRobot generally. It is long, but it is better to get familiar here with what is involved than to get lost in session with some heavy item pressing in on you because you didn't do a bit of homework beforehand.


R3X is short for Routine 3 Expanded. Routine 3 Revised (R3R) is a 1968 extension of Dianetics procedure, which further evolved in 1978 to R3RA. R3X has been developed from R3R (not R3RA) by Robert D over several years since 2000. BasicR3X is pretty much R3X with the more esoteric bits removed, and Rub & Yawn added. It can be done without Rub & Yawn, but works much better with it.

Chronological sequence

Dianetics assumes that the mind can easily run through an incident from start to finish, and that the most important (charged) part of the incident is the earliest part. And that later incidents hang up on earlier ones, and only the earliest one on the chain is really important.

R3X is based on Dianetics and continues with this theory. Is it true? Well, not necessarily. If you find it hard to follow the procedure because your attention jumps around in the incident or time period and doesn't want to run through nice and neatly like a movie, don't worry about it. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. Maybe the theory is wrong! Just do the best you can. The 6-direction procedure does not depend on following this arbitrary time sequence, and should take up any slack perfectly adequately.

Basic commands

The general idea of R3X is:
  1. Select an item to run (can be a feeling or incident),
  2. Run through that item in time mentally from beginning to end,
  3. Run the 6-direction procedure on the item several times until no change,
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until either:
    • the item is flat, or
    • a similar item is sucked in on top of the original item making further running of the original item alone impossible.
In the case of the two items now smushed together, the items (series of items) are run together from step 1 above.

Different to Dianetics

R3X is not the same as regular Dianetics (R3R). In R3R, if the item is not erasing after a couple of runs through then the client looks for an earlier similar feeling or incident, and then goes chasing off back in time after it.

In R3X the client waits for any similar incident that is preventing the original item from erasing to come into present time, to impinge so much that there is no alternative other than addressing it right now. There is really no choice involved.

Similar item can also be later in time

An item preventing another from erasing will not always be earlier in time. It can be later. It depends on how the mind is stacked up, not on how someone's theory would like it to be.

Extra browser windows

Sometimes PaulsRobot will open up an extra browser window. This is needed so that all the pages dovetail together properly. It happens more on BasicR3X than other modules. Look out for this if something doesn't appear to have opened up or you don't seem to be able to return to a previous screen. It will often be seen under Response Options as [Extra window open] or [No extra window open].

Scan and Move

These both mean to travel through — spiritually recreate — a period of time with one's attention fully on the events observed. Strictly speaking,
  • scanning through means covering a lot of ground lightly, and
  • moving through means covering less ground more thoroughly.
But they are used fairly interchangeably in R3X. This is not slop. Which action to take depends more on the circumstances than the word used. Usually PaulsRobot commands are very precise, but in this particular case there has to be some leeway. The idea of PaulsRobot generally, not only BasicR3X, is to take the charge out of one's chosen topic.

Which procedure?

So the guiding principle behind how fast or slowly one runs through a period of time has to be to go at the speed that discharges the topic best.

Move TO an incident

After an incident is brought to mind, the standard command is Move to that incident.All that means is that one should put one's full attention on that incident. The move wording is retained, but don't take it too literally.

Starting the session

There are three options at the start of session:
  • Locate an incident
  • Locate a series of incidents (includes General Lifetime Scanning)
  • Next is 4-Flow Lifetime Scanning or 4-Flow Time/Item running.
These are described below.

Locate an incident

The commands here would go something like:
  1. Locate an incident of the appropriate type (hurting your arm, for example)
  2. When was it?
  3. Move to that incident
  4. What is the duration of that incident?
  5. Move to a point just before the incident began
  6. Move through to the end of the incident
  7. What happened?
  8. Take that incident and put it above you
  9. (Continue 6-direction process until process flat for now)
  10. (If item not flat yet, repeat above steps until item is flat).
A series of incidents generally (not when doing Lifetime Scanning) is handled in the same way as this.

General Lifetime Scanning

First one divides one's life up into bite-sized chunks. Five years seems to be a good interval, although you don't have to stick to that. For example, if there was a big change in your life at age 7 or 33, it makes sense to split the intervals at the change points and not at the exact calendar marks.

Start early and work later

It's usually better to take it from the start of this lifetime and work up to present time rather than the other way around. So if you are 45 start with 0-5 and not 40-45. It's OK that your memory of life aged 1 is not as clear as your life aged 41. Having the earlier incidents desensitized makes it easier to run it this way around.

Scan from start to end of the period

The general idea is to start scanning through the events of your life in sequence. It is not expected that everything will be crystal clear to you. At some point your attention will snag on some event, some incident. You will then zero in on that incident, and discharge it like in the Locate an incident procedure above. When you can scan through the whole of that time period without snagging at all, then go on to the next time period and address it similarly.

Use the series of incidents commands

Use the same commands. So when it says, Locate a series of incidents of the correct type, you would bring to mind the appropriate time in your life, maybe up to your fifth birthday. There are two possible (normal) responses to Move through to the end of the series of incidents:
  • I moved through the series of incidents, or
  • While doing Lifetime Scanning, I got hung up in a particular incident.
If the first, just continue. If the second, go with that option and you will then get to discharge that particular incident.

4-Flow Commands

The third start-of-session option is 4-Flow Lifetime Scanning or 4-Flow Time/Item running. On choosing this option, you will be asked to select the flow you are running. Your choices are given as:
  • Flow 1: times I experienced stress
  • Flow 2: times I caused another or others to experience stress
  • Flow 3: times another or others caused themselves or others to experience stress
  • Flow 0: times I caused myself to experience stress

Lifetime scanning

Usually one would first run through each five-year (or whatever) period generally, without attention to the particular flows involved. When one's entire lifetime has been flattened generally, one can then scan through flow by flow to pick up anything that got missed. This isn't usually especially lengthy, but it is useful if one wants to be thorough.

Examples for this type of time/item running

  • The whole time I lived in Kansas, regarding Uncle Dick
  • From 1985-1990, re Aunt Ethel" and "From 1991-1994 re Aunt Ethel
  • From birth to age 10, with respect to my dad" and "From age 11 to age 20 re dad" and "From age 21 to now re dad
  • The five years I've been involved, Sundays with the Holy Scrummers
  • The past four years, my nights in that haunted house.

Notes (continued):

What happened?

There are several response options on this screen. It is important to look at the ones that apply to the procedure you are running. If you click on a response belonging to the wrong group you will end up on a screen that does not apply to you. If that happens, click your browser back button and try again.

Before/After process

This is a remedy if you run into trouble with an incident or series of incidents. It is simply to spot moments in time before and after the incident in question. This sometimes frees it up. You will see it as an option sometimes. There is no need to go hunting for it otherwise.

Responsible for — Not responsible for

This is another remedy if you run into trouble with an incident or series of incidents. Finding a part you could be responsible for refers to the real world and not the images of it addressed in session, and means either:
  • an aspect of your topic in the past that you are willing to acknowledge you were the cause of, or
  • some aspect of your topic that you are willing to be at cause over now or for the future, that you are willing to control and care for.

Willing to control

Being willing to control something does not mean that you have to control it, but you would do so if necessary. For example, you might leave your child happily playing with her friends, but if danger threatened you would probably do something about it.

Confront — Would rather not confront

This is another remedy if you run into trouble with an incident or series of incidents. Finding a part you could confront refers to the real world and not the images of it addressed in session, and means some aspect of the incident or incidents or topic that you are OK with. You can (now) tolerate it, allow it to be as it is without desiring to change it in any way.

Not usual English meaning of confront

Here it does not mean challenge or face in defiance.

Would rather not confront

Similarly, this refers to some part you find it hard to tolerate, some aspect you would prefer to be different. You would find it easier to face it if it were different in some way.

Special Attention Process (SAP)

This is remedy for a hard-to-erase incident or series of incidents. It is assumed you have flattened the item as best you can using the regular procedure, but it is still hanging up. The SAP commands will allow you to dig deeper in order to discharge the item.

Blank command

The first SAP command is, Move to the beginning of the incident or series of incidents. With particular attention to anything hidden, suppressed, overwhelming, invisible or occluded, or that has unconsciousness, move through to the end of the incident or series of incidents. After this, the usual Basic 3X commands as given above, including the 6-direction process, are run, but with attention restricted as above. When this Blank point of address is flat, one goes onto the next one.

Effort command

Moving again to the beginning of the incident, the next SAP angle is With particular attention to any force, energies, masses, resistance, efforts, pressure, impact, barriers, (and violence or drugs if applicable). . . .

Emotion command

Next is . . . any emotions, feelings or reactions, pains, sensations, attitudes, and protest. . . .

Thought command

Next is . . . any thoughts, fixed ideas, decisions, postulates*, implanted** commands, beliefs and agreements. . . .

*postulate = a kind of causative thinking, a decision, like I WILL be home by 6 pm tonight, come what may.
**implant = an overwhelming installing of some command, like yelling forcefully at a sick child in order to enforce compliance to one's wishes.

Comm lines command

Next is . . . any communication lines, or missing comm lines (that should be there). . . .

Shock moments command

Next is . . . any shock moments that might be there. . . .

A shock moment is a relatively brief period of intense emotional reaction to the realization that one has been overwhelmed in some way. Just before it starts one would be feeling relatively normal and like oneself. The shock moment is considered to be over when one begins to function somewhat normally again, even though the adverse incident will still be ongoing.

Shock moments multiple viewpoints command

Next is Name the other relevant viewpoints (or persons involved) in the incident or series of incidents. Assume a relevant viewpoint and run through the shock moment(s) from that viewpoint.

They can be grouped as allies, helpers, perpetrators etc. and run collectively as such. Part of this command group is running the 6-direction procedure from those viewpoints too.

If you assume and run several different viewpoints, you will see several • Extra windows open • and might wonder if this is a mistake. It isn't. It is done because otherwise it is too easy to close the wrong window by mistake, making it very hard to get back to where you should be. Just close them all out one by one when the incident is flat.


The final SAP command is Is there any part of this incident or series of incidents that is still connected to you in present time?, and if so run alternately until flat:
  • What part of that _____ (incident etc.) could you be responsible for?
  • What part of that _____ (incident etc.) would you rather not be responsible for?

Ending session

A regular R3X session always ends off with scanning out the session, subjective havingness, and objective havingness. These three items with full commands are also included in this BasicR3X.

Scanning out the session

This is simply scanning through the session as many times as needed to flatten off any charge from the session itself. It is usually a quick action.

Subjective havingness

This is accomplished by:
  1. Putting out 8 anchor points,
  2. Pushing them into the body,
  3. Putting out 8 anchor points,
  4. Allowing them to remain where they are,
  5. Putting out 8 anchor points,
  6. Throwing them away,
  7. Putting out 8 anchor points,
  8. Doing any of the above three actions at your choice.
  9. Repeating the above steps 1-8 until flat.
You can use (mocked up) objects if you prefer.

Objective havingness

This is accomplished by running one or more of the following procedures until flat and you are fully back in the here and now:
  • Spot an object
  • Look around here and find something you could have
  • Point out an object
  • Touch something
  • Clap your hands
  • Squeeze something
  • Stamp your feet on the floor

Rub & Yawn and Havingness

If you have been using Rub & Yawn liberally while running BasicR3X you shouldn't need to do either of these final Hav steps. If you haven't been using Rub & Yawn and find your Havingess devastated at the end of the session, well, don't say you weren't warned!