Paul giving a session

ExpGrades: Session End Point

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Expanded Grades or PaulsRobot sessions generally are not usually run "by the clock," even though the 50-minute session is the norm in the human counselling world.

The "end point" is not so much merely the time on the clock at which a session ends, but more the indications one should look for in yourself (as the client) that show it is the correct point to end off an ongoing session. Of course, if you have run out of the time you allotted for the session, then you are going to end it anyway even if the correct indications are not there, but this is non-optimum.

A proper "end point" (EP) for an Expanded Grades session is determined by the following factors, which may occur after a few minutes, more than an hour, or anywhere in between:


No more change

You are getting no more change out of the process(es) you have been addressing per the instructions; in other words, they are "flat." You should ideally also feel good, such as calm, peaceful, refreshed, even expansive and "blown out."

Or you feel "done"

It is also a good point to end the session if the process isn't complete but you seem to be "done" for now, such as you reached a very good point and don't feel like more of this right now. Even if you carefully — and with difficulty — arranged your life to get a special 45 minutes set aside for a session, it can happen that something unexpectedly "pops" after only five minutes in session and everything looks magically different. In such circumstances, end off!

A note on "Common" screens

Note that the "Common" screens used are the regular PaulsRobot screens and refer sometimes to Rub & Yawn items. In particular, the link to the "session end point" from the "Don't want to continue" screen does not go to this page. Just ignore the Rub & Yawn parts if you are not using Rub & Yawn in your ExpGrades sessions.