OK. Look through the list until you find a hot question, then take it up.
Response Options:If you have determined a topic, write it down.• Close this extra window (browser back arrow greyed out) when ready • General items:• 1. Death of spouse? 2. Divorce? 3. Marital separation? 4. Imprisonment? 5. Death of close family member? 6. Personal injury or illness? 7. Marriage? 8. Dismissal from work? 9. Marital reconciliation? 10. Retirement? • 11. Change in health of family member? 12. Pregnancy? 13. Sexual difficulties? 14. Gain of new family member? 15. Business readjustment? 16. Change in financial state? 17. Death of close friend? 18. Change to different line of work? 19. Change in frequency of arguments? 20. Major mortgage? • 21. Foreclosure of mortgage or loan? 22. Change in responsibilities at work? 23. Child leaving home? 24. Trouble with in-laws? 25. Outstanding personal achievement? 26. Spouse starts or stops work? 27. Begin or end school? 28. Change in living conditions? 29. Revision in personal habits? 30. Trouble with boss? • 31. Change in working hours or conditions? 32. Change in residence? 33. Change in schools? 34. Change in recreation? 35. Change in church activities? 36. Change in social activities? 37. Minor mortgage or loan? 38. Change in sleeping habits? 39. Change in number of family get-togethers? 40. Change in eating habits? • 41. Vacation? 42. Christmas or major holiday? 43. Minor violations of law? 44. Something else wrong? Junior scale• 1. Death of parent? 2. Unplanned pregnancy/abortion? 3. Getting married? 4. Divorce of parents? 5. Acquiring a visible deformity? 6. Fathering a child? 7. Jail sentence of parent for over one year? 8. Marital separation of parents? 9. Death of a brother or sister? 10. Change in acceptance by peers? • 11. Unplanned pregnancy of sister? 12. Discovery of being an adopted child? 13. Marriage of parent to stepparent? 14. Death of a close friend? 15. Having a visible congenital deformity? 16. Serious illness requiring hospitalization? 17. Failure of a grade in school? 18. Not making an extracurricular activity? 19. Hospitalization of a parent? 20. Jail sentence of parent for over 30 days? • 21. Breaking up with boyfriend or girlfriend? 22. Beginning to date? 23. Suspension from school? 24. Becoming involved with drugs or alcohol? 25. Birth of a brother or sister? 26. Increase in arguments between parents? 27. Loss of job by parent? 28. Outstanding personal achievement? 29. Change in parent's financial status? 30. Accepted at college of choice? • 31. Being a senior in high school? 32. Hospitalization of a sibling? 33. Increased absence of parent from home? 34. Brother or sister leaving home? 35. Addition of third adult to family? 36. Becoming a full fledged member of a church? 37. Decrease in arguments between parents? 38. Decrease in arguments with parents? 39. Mother or father beginning work? 40. Something else wrong? Write on Report:Question XX.Topic: Knfdjh fhue fhsdudfs buye cbdd qwpdk fgkdkf (Don't skip writing this down. It is VERY important!) *SUDS/SUSHI score __/10 (optional) |
Notes:How to use this listUse this list after the main hot (charged) topics in your life have been cooled off. Look over the list until one of the items "bites", in other words, some charged topic from your own life vividly comes to mind. Then write down the general question number, and your personalized topic you will be addressing. For example, "Q7, marriage to Jamie." By gradually working through the list and discharging whatever gets brought to view in topic after topic over many sessions, an individual can get a great deal of relief. Original scaleThe Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale is a list of 43 stressful life events that can contribute to illness, per its Wikipedia article. The scale has figures that accompany each line, for example "death of spouse" rating 100 and "trouble with in-laws" rating 29. The way the scale is used outside PaulsRobot is to score each line with respect to a time period, such as the previous two years, and then add up the total. The higher the score, the higher the risk of illness. Use at PaulsRobotThe scale has been slightly reworded and repurposed here to serve as a simple list of possible stressful events in an average person's life, so these can be explored and discharged using PaulsRobot. It will not cover everything, but it is a start. Question 44Question 44 has been added in this PaulsRobot version just in case something else comes to mind not covered by the other questions. It is not intended to provoke a deep search into one's mind. *SUDS/SUSHI scoreSUDS = Subjective Units of Distress (Negative) ScaleSUSHI = Subjective Units of Session Harmony and Insight (Positive scale) Will open in a new window if you need to read it. |