OK. Let's determine the topic for this session.
Response Options:If you have determined a topic, write it down.• Close this extra window (browser back arrow greyed out) when ready • Write on Report:Places routineYour list might look something like this: School XXX
Time to end off writing the list! *SUDS/SUSHI score __/10 (optional) |
Notes:Here you will determine what to address in this session. It is best to have already worked through the first four topic pages, i.e., the hottest topics that easily come to mind, those conjured up using the 44-question list, whatever came to mind while scanning through your entire life, and the hostile people you listed out. Next is to address places that you feel have been hostile to you, or are hostile to you right now, as described below. Read through this whole page before closing it.Make the listIn session, make a written list of places that you feel have been hostile to you, or are hostile to you right now. This doesn't mean the location has to be malevolent in some way, but you don't like that place for whatever reason. As you write down the names, put one, two or three crosses next to the item depending on the level of hostility or bad feeling. This does not have to be exact as it is just to get a rough idea of which to deal with first.Keep writing until it seems like you have written down all the names you need to. You don't need to overdo it as you can always add to the list later. No-one need see this list except you, so you can be honest. Address the first itemNow it's time to take some charge off. If any of the items you wrote down got you yawning already, start with that one – or if more than one, the most obvious one, not necessarily one with the most crosses. Use the usual PaulsRobot techniques with this item until you have discharged it as best you can. This may take one or more sessions.Continue with the next itemWhen you've discharged as much harmful energy as you can with regard to that first one, then go on to the next item on the list. The general idea is to start at the most heavily charged, and work your way down to the least. This may match up with the number of crosses you wrote next to each item, or it may not. Just do it in the order you think best.If you think of more items that should go on the list, just add them to the list and address them at the appropriate time later in session, or a future session. Check all the flowsRemember to check the different flows when taking charge off a place. What you did to someone or something there may be as important, even more so, than what happened to you there. And include what you observed another or others doing to themselves or others, and yourself to yourself there too.End pointThis Places Relief routine is completed when you feel like you have discharged as much harmful energy off your list as you can at this time, and mention of a place from your list doesn't cause you a significantly bad reaction. This doesn't mean you have to rush out and scatter rose petals there, although you just might.Deeper approach neededIf any of these items hang up and don't resolve with the techniques available in the module you are using, end the session and start a new session using the "Antago" module, which will allow you to use all the PaulsRobot tools available. |