Paul giving a session

Core: Options

AUDIO: "All right. Choose one of the available options."

Response Options:

I will address my topic with Rub & Yawn Reach and Withdraw

I will address my topic with the Rub & Yawn General 6-Direction Procedure

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time, if not already noted)

TITS (This Is The Session) or
SOS (Start Of Session)

How doing? Pjyu gnfh wterfa zcsjflgh mthe bfhd... (How you're doing right this moment, in your estimation, to be used as a comparison to what you will write at the end of the session)


Rub & Yawn Reach & Withdraw is the simplest and most gentle approach to a topic. It is the one to use first if you are new to this whole PaulsRobot paradigm, or if you feel that your topic is heavy or traumatic and very hard to face. Maybe it hurts to even be reminded of it distantly.

The Rub & Yawn 6-Direction procedure is an all-round workhorse technique that is very adaptable. It will discharge harmful emotional and mental energy from almost anything you care to throw at it.

You can easily change from one procedure to the other at any time you wish in this session.