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The End Point used for a Dipoles PaulsRobot session:
Either . . .
- The user is getting no more change out of the Dipoles pair he/she has been addressing per the instructions, which includes no more yawns. And
- The user should also feel good, such as calm, peaceful, refreshed.
. . . or
It is fine to end the session if the pair isn't complete but one seems done for now, such as one had a good win and doesn't feel like more of this right now.
Don't try and do too much in one session
You may also address more than one pair in the session if you wish, but if you had some good energy exchange going on it is usually better to wait till a later session to address another pair.
Maybe recheck the pair next session
In the next session, it might be wise to check over the pair again to see if there is more to be done with it. It won't necessarily be completely flat. But it is not vital to check it.