Paul giving a session

Psycho: [Step 1] Write Brief Outline

AUDIO: "All right. Write a brief outline of the issue you want to explore, your topic."

Response Options:

I've written a brief outline of my topic

Write on Report:

The time, if not already noted
Start of session
How you're doing right this moment, in your estimation, to be used as a comparison to what you write at the end of the session

Brief outline
SUDS score
For example:

9:41 am
Doing? Pjyu gnfh wterfa zcsjflgh mthe bfhd.

Outline: Kjnhuew mnf bhd nbf, cndvrm ccsfw nbf. Mjkj nhjtr njmo plki jhdw w sged jr, nfhe, ndhw, nna. Xccsw qbs bew nuy!
SUDS: -8


General record

The idea here is to have a general record of what this particular issue is about, so that you can refer back to it when needed in order to stay on track. Sometimes one can get carried away in the heat of the moment. There is no need to get into details at this point. There will be plenty of opportunity later in the session to get all hot and bothered about stuff.

Examples of topics

This topic could be:
  • A re-enactment of a particular incident that lasted ten seconds
  • A re-enactment of the main points of an ongoing relationship that has lasted a lifetime
  • An exploration of an abstract idea like "humility as it applies to me" —
  • Basically whatever you want.
It is usually more profitable to deal with something that is personally charged, that is stressing you, than to explore something impersonal like "the life cycle of the earthworm."

SUDS scale

Rate your topic 0-10 on the SUDS scale. This is a standard "Subjective Units of Distress" Scale. You can read about it here if it is not too familiar. It will open up in a new window.

Formal screenplay format?

No! Just scribble something down, nothing fancy at all.