Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay RD: End Points

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There are different end points, depending on the circumstances. These approaches can be combined, of course. These end points also apply to the Int-Ext-Stay RD and the Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD.

Fix up past "Int" handlings

Basically to blow any added charge off prior Int RDs that failed to hit the right spots before (as the procedure was too limited) by nailing them this time. If this is the reason one is doing it, then the EP would be something like, Cleaned up on the subject of past Int handlings. This might be achieved by nothing more than looking over the procedure and the additional buttons listed. Or it might best be achieved by doing Rub & Yawn with a topic like My past 'Int' handlings.

Current "Int" problem causing aches and pains

To handle a current "Int" problem that is causing various body aches and pains. The EP here would be something like, No more aches and pains caused by locating or mislocating self or part(s) of self as a being.

Current Int problem stopping other auditing

To handle a current "Int" problem that is making it difficult to run well with other auditing procedures. The EP here would be something like, Trouble handled and ready to run non-Int auditing procedures.

For fun

Then there's the Extreme-sports-type Wheeeee! crowd who just like to dive into stuff head first and see where it leads and get charge off on random things. The EP here would be something like, Has had enough fun at this and nothing obviously left alive and needing handling. The idea that one should fully complete any rundown started is great for controlling people and making money, but it is probably not needful as long as the person isn't hung up in the incomplete action.

No need to find every possible intention

None of these End Points necessarily involve flattening the procedure, i.e., the point at which no more relevant intentions can be found. That might occur, but it doesn't seem to be needful once the required End Point has been achieved and you aren't hung up in any incomplete cycle. And if you later want to run a bit more, hell, go for it.