Response Options:• Close this extra window • (browser back arrow greyed out) when readyNotes:Vortex (singular); vortices (plural). Each swirling vortex of energy appears to suck or entrain energy from the UEF [Universal Energy Field]. They appear to function as do fluid vortexes we are familiar with in water or air such as whirlpools, cyclones, water spouts and hurricanes. The open end of a normal chakra in the first layer of the aura is about six inches in diameter at a distance of one inch from the body. |
Notes (continued):Each of these vortices exchanges energy with the UEF. Thus, when we speak of feeling "open," that is literally true. All the major chakras, minor chakras, lesser chakras and acupuncture points are openings for energy to flow into and out of the aura. We are like sponges in the energy sea around us. Since this energy is always associated with a form of consciousness, we experience the energy we exchange in terms of seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, intuiting or direct knowing. In eastern esoteric literature, each of the chakras is seen as having a certain number of petals. On closer investigation, these petals appear to be small rotating vortices spinning at very high rates. Each vortex metabolizes an energy vibration that resonates at its particular spin frequency. The [sacral] chakra, for example, has [six] small vortices and metabolizes [six] basic frequencies of energy, and so on for each of the other chakras. The colors observed in each chakra are related to the frequency of energy being metabolized at its particular rate. The text above is taken from Barbara Brennan's book, Hands of Light, pages 44-45 Minor chakrasText from Barbara BrennanThere are 21 minor chakras distributed all over the body: 1 in front of each ear, 1 above each breast, 1 where the clavicles meet, 1 in the palm of each hand, 1 on the sole of each foot, 1 just behind each eye, 1 related to each gonad, 1 near the liver, 1 connected with the stomach, 2 connected with the spleen, 1 behind each knee, 1 near the thymus gland, and 1 near the solar plexus. These are about 3 inches in diameter [when] 1 inch distant from the body. The 2 in the palms are very important in healing. The 2 on the breast are important when suckling the infant.OtherwiseOther points may be considered to be "minor chakras." You do not have to restict yourself to the ones shown. |