Paul giving a session

RAW4: Session End Point

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The End Point used for a RAW4 PaulsRobot session:
  • Either . . .

    1. The user is getting no more change out of the Reach & Withdraw done per the instructions, which includes no more yawns. And
    2. The user should also feel good, such as calm, peaceful, refreshed.
  • . . . or

    It is fine to end the session if one seems done for now, such as one had a good win and doesn't feel like more of this right now.


Familiar and unfamiliar levels

The physical body

It is easy to do Reach & Withdraw on visible parts of the physical body. Internal parts are more difficult, but still relatively simple, as one has a good certainty on their existence from seeing medical pictures. Session end points are expected to be fairly normal at this level.

The aura, hara, core star levels

These levels are unfamiliar territory to most. The general idea is to continue the session while it is still worthwhile to do so, and to stop when it is no longer bearing fruit. Being "blown out" is usually an indication in a lower-level session that it is time to stop, but if a higher-level session involves examining your higher-level anatomy, then being "blown-out" is more or less a pre-requisite to doing so.

Don't overdo it

There will come a point where it is not worth continuing the session. This might happen one minute into the session or after thirty or more minutes. It's your call. You can have more sessions later.