Response Options:• Close this extra window • (browser back arrow greyed out) when readyNotes:The Core Star Level: The Level of Your Divine Essence — The Source of Your Creative Energy![]() Our core is the most essential nature of our being and is completely unique to each individual. It has been there within each of us since before the limitations of time, space, and belief. It is the individual aspect of the divine. From this place within each of us, we live and have our being. we recognize it easily as that which we have always known ourselves to be since birth. In this place, we are wise, loving, and full of courage. This inner essence has not really changed with time. No negative experiences have ever really tainted it. Yes, our reactions to negative experiences may have covered it, or shrouded it, but they have never really changed it. It is our most basic nature. It is the deeper goodness within each of us. It is who we really are. It is from this place within that all of our creative energies arise. It is the eternal fountainhead within each of us from which all our creations come. Your Creative Process and Your HealthThe creative process originating within your core always begins with two ingredients. The first is positive intention, or divine intention; the second is positive pleasure.Everything you have ever done in your life began not only with good intentions but also always with pleasure. Every creative act you have done began within your core consciousness and upwelled through the deeper levels of your being until it reached your physical world. All the creations in your life take the same course. Every creative act takes the course in its journey into the physical: It manifests first as consciousness in the core, then as our intention in the haric level, then as our life energies in the auric level that later well up into the physical universe. When these energies flow directly from the core through the haric level of our life task, through the auric level of our personality, and through our physical bodies, we create health and joy in our lives. It is with the "light emerging" from our core that we create our life experience on all levels of our being. When we block the creative energies arising from the core star, we eventually create pain in our lives. The work that lies before us is to unveil our core so that our light and creations can emerge in joy, pleasure, and well-being. In that way, we can create a world of harmony, peace, and communion. The text above is taken from Barbara Brennan's book, Light Emerging, pages 29-30. |
Notes (continued):Opening Corridors to Your CoreSpend a few moments now bringing your conscious awareness to the physical location associated with the core star in the center of your body, about one and one-half inches above your navel. In a short time you will feel calm, relaxed, full of light, and powerful, and your sense of self will be enhanced. Opening HSP to the core star level is a wonderful experience. First you may see your own core star, in all its unique brilliance. Then, if you look at a room full of people, what you see is a room full of stars — each one different, each brilliant and exquisite. It is as if the stars sing to each other through the space filled with core light that is known as the Almighty. If you give a few minutes a day (only five will have an effect) to focusing your attention on this central core of your being, your life will change. You will begin a conscious path of change in your life that will take you to places you have always wanted to go but couldn't get to. You may experience great spiritual heights of wonderment. You will also release issues that you have avoided facing, sometimes for your whole life. They will come to the foreground of your life to be experienced and healed. You will begin to create the things you have always wanted but have not yet created in your life. Opening the internal corridor to our core will allow the love, truth and courage within us to come forth. This is the essential process in healing. By opening this internal corridor, healing energy automatically upwells through all four dimensions of our creative energy and flows forth to be given in healing to the self or to another person. Healing energy automatically flows from anyone who opens his or her internal corridor between the outer personality and the core star. It is easy to feel this healing energy when you are in the presence of such a person. You feel calm, relaxed, safe, and full. You have already automatically made the connection from your personality to your core through your higher self. Most people are rather shy about the true nature of being in their higher self. It feels a bit like being unveiled. It is like being undefended. So spend some time getting to know your higher self. Which parts of you are already clear, pure, and loving? When you become more aware of what those parts are, you can allow them to express themselves more. You will become more used to expressing your love and caring for others without being so shy. Our core star is our divine source. Opening the internal corridor to our divine source also automatically connects us to the external divine source of love and energy all around us, to what could be called universal divinity. It is by accepting the divine within us, which is the individualized, localized God within, that we are brought to know universal God. Another way to say it is, opening the internal corridor to God creates an external boulevard to God. Or in reverse, it is by surrendering to God, or to the divine above us, below us, and all around us, that we are brought to the divine within us, or the God within. One is not possible without the other. Everything that we do originates from the core star, as does every positive intention. Pleasure is its motivating force, and it creates only joy and fulfillment. Here is the creative path that our core essence takes as it expands into the world of manifestation. As our creative force upwells from this core star, it brings great pleasure with it. As the core essence emerges into the hara dimension on its way to our physical world, it upwells into the center of the three points along the hara line. If all three points are in alignment, we have aligned our intent with the best in us, and we have synchronized with divine intent. In other words, God's will and our will are one. When we then allow the core essence to upwell into this divine intent, we also express our individual essence through our intent or our purpose. We express individual divine purpose. As the core essence upwells into the auric level, it upwells into the centers of the chakras and expands to permeate the whole auric field with the essence of who we are. Then we express our divine essence with our personality. When the core essence upwells into the physical level, it upwells in the nucleus of each cell, in the DNA. It expands throughout the whole body until divine light shines so brilliantly that it literally shines through our skin, and we are radiant. Then we express our divine essence through our physical bodies. It is a beautiful sight to see. Our essence fills the room, and all who are present can experience and delight in it. The text above is excerpted from Barbara Brennan's book, Light Emerging, page 308. |