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RAW4: Info — Hara

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The Hara Level

full aura The haric level is one quantum leap deeper into your nature and one dimension deeper than the aura. The haric level is the foundation upon which the aura rests. Hara is defined by the Japanese as a center of power within the lower belly. While the aura is related to your personality, the haric level is related to your intentions. It corresponds to your life task or your deeper spiritual purpose. It is the level of your greater incarnational purpose and your purpose in any given moment. It is here that you set and hold your intention.

The haric level is much simpler than the auric field, which has a very complicated structure. It consists of three points along a laserlike line that is on the center line of our body. It is about one-third of an inch wide and extends from a point about three and one-half feet above our head, down deep into the core of the earth. The first point above the head looks like an inverted funnel. Its wide end pointing down is only about one-third of an inch wide. It represents our first individuation out of the godhead, when we first individuated from God in order to incarnate. It also carries the function of reason. It carries our reason to incarnate. It is through this place that we connect to our higher spiritual reality. This place could be called the individuation point or ID point.

Notes (continued):

If we follow the laser line down into our upper chest area, we find the second point. It is a beautiful diffuse light. It corresponds to our emotion. Here we carry our spiritual longing, the sacred longing that leads us through our life. It brings the passion we have to accomplish great things in our life. This longing is very specific to our life task. We long to accomplish it. It is the thing that we want to do more than anything else in life. It is what we have come for. It is the longing each of us carries within, that lets us feel why we are here. This point could be called the seat of the soul's longing, or soul seat.

The next point on the line is the tan tien, as it is called in Chinese. It is the center from which all martial artists move when they perform. It is from this center that martial artists draw power to break concrete. It appears to be a ball of power or center of beingness, about one and one-half inches in diameter. It is located about two and one-half inches below the navel. It has a strong membrane around it, so it looks a bit like a rubber ball. It can be gold in color. This is a will center. It is your will to live in the physical body. It contains the one note that holds the physical body in physical manifestation.

It is with your will and this one note that you have drawn up a physical body out of the body of your mother the earth. It is from this center that healers can also connect to a great deal of power to regenerate the body, provided that the healer grounds the haric line deep into the molten core of the earth. When their haric line extends down into the earth, healers can gather great power. When used in healing, the tan tien can turn very bright red and become very hot. This is what is meant by being grounded on the haric level. When this happens and the tan tien turns red, healers feel intense heat all over their body.

When you have set a clear intention on the haric level, your actions on the auric and physical levels bring about pleasure. We will discuss dysfunction in the haric level (that is, your intention and your life task) with relationship to health throughout this book. For example, illness can be caused by unclear, mixed, or opposing intentions and disconnection from one's life task. Many people, especially in the modern industrialized part of the world, walk around in great spiritual pain because they do not know that they have a life's purpose. They do not understand why they are in pain. They don't know there is a cure for this kind of spiritual pain. The disconnection from their deeper life's purpose shows in the haric level. It can be healed from this level.

The Haric Level in Health and Healing

In health and healing, the same principle of aligning with your purpose holds true. To the extent that you stay on line with your purpose to maintain or regain your health, to that exact degree you will maintain or regain your health wherever it is humanly possible.

[Further information on this topic is given in the PaulsRobot RAW4 module.]

The text of this article is taken from Barbara Brennan's book, Light Emerging, page 29 and pages 291-5.