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Notes:The End Point used for a PaulsRobot SpotAnAngel session is not as well-defined as in other modules. Feeling calm and peaceful, even "exterior," is nowhere near the end of the session. It is more or less the starting point for the session.Like the RAW4 module, the purpose of this entire module is to familiarize the user with the more esoteric parts of his or own make-up and some of the beings who inhabit these realms. These domains include not only the ones hosting the physical body and the underlying auric energy levels, but also those of the still-deeper haric intentional level and finally what could be called the divine essence of life, the core star level. As long as this is occurring, one is comfortable with the ongoing session, and one feels that one is progressing, there is no particular reason to end off. It may even be a good idea to set aside an hour (say) for the session and run it simply by the clock. With these points understood, one could then say the end point to use for a SpotAnAngel session is: Run the session for as long as you wish. :) |