Lucy giving a session

Win: Part 0 — Write Success Story

AUDIO: "Write up a success story of all gained abilities, states and wins."

Response Options:

Going OK

I've written out a success story of all gained abilities, states and wins. Back to main options


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time
The success story
For example:

5:11 pm
Success Story
N mkuw shdg the fdgde nrht jgper. Jk mthe rhdu:
1. Lkm mjgnt pli qhwes njghr e dmcjds nshshd, nghreend mnk wwp.
2. Mkj qqpalds vvdge hryfh lki whsg ybhd!
3. Mlp lkie wjsb nfhdbr plsjkd mnw.


Before you complete this step, it might be a good idea to try to number the separate abilities, states or wins. Points 1-6 of this ACW procedure are run on each distinct gain, so you will have to decide at some point how to divide these up.

If you later decide to combine two or more points, or sub-divide a point into two or more parts, that is fine too.

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish