Lucy giving a session

Win: Main Options

AUDIO: "All right. Pick an option."

Response Options:

Going OK

Part 0 — Write success story

Part 1 — Powers

Part 2 — Unpleasant sensations

Part 3 — Responsibility

Part 4 — Others knowing

Part 5 — Value

Part 6 — Implementation

Item seems flat

Prepare to end session

Future Alignment Process (Win2)

Direct link


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Which part you are doing
For example:

Part 1 — Powers


These actions are designed to be run through in sequence from Part 0 to Part 6. The different parts are linked here in case you are picking up where you left off incomplete last session.


0. Write up a Success Story of all new abilities, states and wins.

Take each ability, state or win and (one-by-one) run:

Part 1 — Powers

Connected to your gain, what powers do you now have?

• Have you ever used these powers to create an impression on anyone?
• How?
• What were the consequences?

• Have you ever used these powers to deny someone’s impression on you?
• How?
• What were the consequences?

• Connected to (ability, state, or win), what powers are OK to use?
• Connected to (ability, state, or win), what powers are not OK to use?
Repeat these two until flat.

Notes (continued):

Part 2 — Unpleasant sensations

Connected to (ability, state, or win), are there any unpleasant sensations?
• If so, get them named and do Unpleasant Sensation Handling on them.

Connected to (ability, state, or win), are there any pleasant sensations you cannot easily experience?
• If so, get them named and do Unpleasant Sensation Handling on them.

Connected to (ability, state, or win), are there any pleasant sensations that you must experience?
• If so, get them named and do Unpleasant Sensation Handling on them.

Part 3 — Responsibility

• Connected to (ability, state, or win), what are you willing to own and be responsible for?
• Connected to (ability, state, or win), what would you rather not own or be responsible for?
Alternate these two until flat.

Part 4 — Others knowing

• Who would you be willing to have know about this ability/state/win?
• Who would you rather not know about this ability/state/win?
Alternate these two until flat.

• What would be some consequences of others knowing you have this ability/state/win?
Repeat over and over until flat.

Part 5 — Value

• How valuable is this ability/state/win?

• If you can, put a monetary value to it. For example, how much money would someone pay to get this ability/state/win? Or how much money will you make because of gaining this ability/state/win?

Part 6 — Implementation

• How can you implement this (ability/state/win) now and in the future?


Repeat 1 - 6 on each regained ability, state, and win until all are fully owned and willing to be used and known.


Future Alignment Process

This is often run straight after the above steps. It is a separate module here at PaulsRobot, but there is also a direct link here to the main options if you want to go straight into it as part of this session.

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish