Response Options:• TL;DR (Too long; didn't read) Write on Report:PaulsRobot XXXXX (The module name, for exampleCoreor Morph) Mkgfhd Plokta (Your name) YYYY/MM/DD or XX/XX/XXXX (The date) Lpok jjhfdjd nfdjgew bhgbwdf ghug... (The instructions for this session, such as "Handle the upset over Mary") Well-rested? OK/Not OK
Notes:Are you willing to follow the instructions here?If you were about to click the TL;DR link on the left without reading this whole page, like one does with software agreements or terms of acceptance, you should think again. This page explains why. If you can't be bothered to read it, it is very unlikely that you would have a successful session here, and you might as well save your time and leave now. But if you really do want to get some benefit from this session, and you are willing to contribute half an hour or an hour's time and effort to it, then read on. You should be willing to have this session with a robot, a computer program, running things, so to speak. We will be addressing a particular subject, which you — not I (Paul) — will choose. But after that I will be telling you to do various specific things with your thoughts on that subject. And to write down some notes of your thoughts and reactions as they occur. An instructionBefore we go any further, get a pen and paper, or open up a text editor window on the left of this main window if you haven't already done so. And have a watch or clock handy so you can note the time. The computer clock will do, but not a mobile phone.Now, did you object, a little or a lot, to being told to get a pen and paper, and a watch/clock? Did you follow the instructions, or did you just ignore them, maybe thinking "Who the hell does he think he is ordering me around like a child?" Most people obey traffic lights and their bossIn order for you to get the full benefits of this session, you must follow the instructions exactly as given. It is not so hard. You obey instructions when you drive a car on the correct side of the road: you stop when the light is red and you go when it is green. You do what your boss tells you to do. At least, if you want to keep your driving license or your job, you do. |
Notes:Most people follow the instructions on an Ikea flat packIf you buy a furniture flat pack from Ikea, you have to follow the instructions if you are going to build that piece of furniture. If you don't follow the instructions exactly and ignore them instead, you don't get that piece of furniture built properly. When you are a real expert, you don't have to assemble furniture based on someone else's instructions — you can design and build your own. But until you are an expert in an area, it is sensible to follow another's expert instructions if you want to get good results.Are you an expert on PaulsRobot?Are you an expert in getting people to manipulate their thoughts on some subject in order to visibly discharge harmful energy and improve their lives in that area?Are these instructions worth following?Am I such an expert? Well, follow the instructions for this session exactly as given in these pages and decide for yourself. Maybe you intend to more or less ignore my instructions, and do some bits but not others as you think fit at the time. Or you expect you will not be doing what I say because it will probably conflict with something you heard or read elsewhere. In such cases, it would not really be honest of you to be critical and say this robot session doesn't work and I don't know what I am talking about. If you genuinely do follow the instructions as written to the best of your ability, and it appears not to be working, I would be very interested to hear about it. There is a form you can fill out at the end of the session if you want to communicate to the human who wrote these instructions.If you're not willing to follow the instructions, then don't bother with PaulsRobotIf you always ignore instructions and prefer to find your own way in everything, there is no point in continuing. If you insist on being completely independent, because no-one ever tells you what to do, and you know everything important already, then this session is not for you. If you are here for any reason other than a genuine personal desire to improve something in your life, you are most likely wasting your time.If you are willing to follow the instructions here, continue. . . If you are willing to put aside any desire to be in complete charge for the duration of this session, willing to read my instructions and follow my instructions to the letter for the duration of this session, willing to experience something new, then we are in business.If needed, look at your main objections to being told what to do here. Write them down. Get them out in the open. Chew them over a bit. You don't have to be 100% free of any objections to being told what to do. You just need to be willing enough to follow exactly the instructions here on what to do in this session. Make sure you have the pen and paper handy or the word processor window open now, and the watch/clock. Here's the Next linkWhen you are ready to continue, click Next |