Lucy giving a session

Common (Lucy): Real-Life Problem

AUDIO: "Fair enough. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen."

Response Options:

Back to the "Don't want to continue" screen (if this isn't an extra window)

Close this extra window (browser back arrow greyed out) to continue on with previous command group

Get ready to end session for now

Write on Report:

Sqllk mjy. . . (As appropriate)


Genuine Problem

If you genuinely have a problem that requires urgent action in real life, like you need to go to the toilet or the house is on fire — then get ready to end off the session. Restart the session after attending to the problem if you can.

Looking for an excuse to end a bad session

If this is more the case, try one of the other options that is more appropriate. It might fix it. No-one will prevent you from ending the session if you insist.