Paul giving a session

Prepcheck (Lucy): Options

AUDIO: "OK. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen."

Response Options:

20 Prepcheck buttons

1. Suppressed | 2. Evaluated | 3. Invalidated | 4. Careful of | 5. Didn't reveal | 6. Not-ised | 7. Suggested | 8. Mistake been made | 9. Protested | 10. Anxious about | 11. Decided | 12. Withdrawn from | 13. Reached | 14. Ignored | 15. Stated | 16. Helped | 17. Altered | 18. Revealed | 19. Asserted | 20. Agreed with


Rudiments main options

End session shortly


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time at the start of the prepcheck
Write the prefix, such as "Recently...," and/or "Regarding [topic]...," or . . .
Write the question number and any comments
For example:

10:55 am
Prepcheck "Recently, regarding my partner..."
Q1. no
Q2. Llkj!!! Bfgd bhfn lkpr koiur ppluk.
Q2. Bgh wjshy nmpoll kji hjgey ghdtegs.
Q2. Qsapl lkip hfgyrj nnwk.
Q2. Mnja vfdgw pplik mmjuq nj akpq. VGIs
Q3. . . .



Prep- is short for "preparatory," meaning "preparing for." A prepcheck is a thorough way to get ruds in before doing, er, something else. :)

20 prepcheck buttons

The 20 buttons are meant to be checked one after the other in sequence from #1. Each one has a link here so that if you have to start in the middle for some reason, it is easy to do so.

Prepcheck prefix(es)

Write down and bear in mind the prepcheck prefix(es). Examples: Generally (i.e., with no prefix) | "Recently" | "Regarding my finances" | "In this lifetime" | "Regarding Mamie Slutz," and combinations of both time-limiter and topic.

Use the same prefix(es) per prepcheck, the same prefix(es) with each button. Obviously, PaulsRobot cannot state all the possible prefixes. Rather than using only the bare question, i.e. with no prefix, each question starts with a "_____", and you will have to mentally substitute whatever limiting prefix(es) you are using for that particular session.

Other procedural points

  • A prepcheck is usually done starting at Question 1 (Q01) and going down the list of 20 buttons, taking up each "reading" question at the time it bites. By "reading" is meant there is some emotional charge that impinges on you, some shift in the mind that you notice as soon as you realize the meaning of the question.
  • If something comes to mind in response to the question, then answer it fully, speaking aloud and making notes as needed. When you have stated what came to mind, click the appropriate link. Usually the same question is repeated over and over until there are no more (charged) answers that come to mind, in which case one goes on to the next button (question). Don't quickie any one particular button (or the whole set), but also don't try looking for more stuff than is there.
  • The "official" way to do it is to take each reading button to F/N cog VGIs. If the person runs out of answers without reaching this EP, the auditor is supposed to handle whatever is getting in the way. PaulsRobot allows the use of Ruds or Rub & Yawn to do this, but won't insist on an F/N cog VGIs ending to every single button. If it's flat and you feel OK, then move on.
  • Often the topic will be handled before all the questions have been asked. In this case the prepcheck on that topic is considered complete, as the purpose of doing it has been achieved.
  • After you have noted a response in your mind to the question, there is an option to "check ownership." Do so or not at your choice — there isn't a "right" way to do it.
  • On your worksheets, write brief notes of what comes up. At the end of handling a button, write something to show that it is done, or abandoned, or whatever. Examples might be "VGIs" (very good indicators), "GIs" (good indicators), "BIs" (bad indicators), "VBIs" (very bad indicators), "bogged," "going well now," "button abandoned," etc.


From Clearbird: Prep-checks tend to uncover out-ruds on the subject as it is designed to get the ruds in thoroughly in the area. If you uncover an ARC break, you handle it per 'Flying ruds' and do the Assessments on it (ARCU CDEINR and E/S to F/N). An F/N, VGIs on an ARC break handling would be the EP for that button. You go on to the next button as explained above.

General instructions for L1C/Rudiments/Prepcheck

(Full details here)
  • Thoroughly understand the command and what it entails
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till key-out and don't try to go on for some other end phenomena
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish