Paul giving a session

BasicR3X: Example Session Plans

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You gotta be kidding!


PaulsRobot is designed mostly for individuals to act as their own session supervisor, unless there is a professional available who is trained specifically in this stuff. It is usually a bad idea to decide mid-session on a new session plan for the ongoing session. End the session first, take a breather, then work out what to do in the next session.

Overall plan

Here are some sample session plans. As a general rule, you might want to first discharge anything hot that keeps grabbing your attention, and then do Lifetime Scanning of your whole life.

Lifetime Scanning

This involves scanning through a period of maybe five years and when your attention snags on a particular event then zero in on that event and discharge it thoroughly with the built-in BasicR3X tools. Then continue scanning until another event snags your attention, then zero in and discharge that one. And so on, covering your entire life in five-year (roughly) chunks. It tends to take maybe 20-30 hours to cover this life like that, a bit shorter if you use Rub & Yawn vigorously.

Options at start of session

When you get to the start-of-session screen, you will need to choose one of the following three starting points. Make sure it is clear from your session plan which one to pick.
  • Next is locate an incident . . .
  • Next is locate a series of incidents (includes General Lifetime Scanning) . . .
  • Next is 4-Flow Lifetime Scanning or 4-Flow Time/Item running . . .

Example session plans

Example session plan #1

  1. Ensure you're ready for the session, with enough food, sleep, not under the influence, and enough time available in a location where you won't get disturbed by the kids, pets, telephone etc.
  2. If you have attention on something like a recent upset or problem or something bad you did, address this first. You can use the Core module or HeavyDuty or Morph. Return to the rest of your written session plan when your attention is freed up from the current upset or whatever and you feel better. You can also address it with this BasicR3X module, but it might not be the best place to start.
  3. Follow the instructions exactly as given, (and it is highly recommended you make heavy use of Rub & Yawn — especially the Rub part), and end off the session at a good point per the BasicR3X Session End Point page.
  4. Start running BasicR3X on All your previous counselling and/or sessions that this reminds you of.


Example session plan #2

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Continue running BasicR3X Lifetime Scanning on This lifetime generally, now up to the time period The nine years you lived in Boston.

Example session plan #3

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Using BasicR3X, take the charge off that argument with Lynn last night.
  3. Start running BasicR3X on that long-ago energy problem that almost resolved with the PaulsRobot HeavyDuty module.

Example session plan #4

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Start BasicR3X on the topic, Your Mind.

Example session plan #5

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. BasicR3X on A wishy-washy feeling, starting with Locate an incident of feeling wishy-washy.

Example session plan #6

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. BasicR3X on Smoking, starting with Locate a time you experienced smoking, and including the earlier beginning(s) of the incident(s), i.e. what happened just before you decided to smoke.

Example session plan #7

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Start BasicR3X, flash-answer mode. Over-broad subject is Your life, but needs a narrower topic.

Example session plan #8

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Start BasicR3X, flash-answer mode, whatever comes up.

Example session plan #9

  1. [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do]
  2. Follow the instructions in the troubleshooting section. Do the out-of-session steps first; then if needed the first type of session; then if needed the second type of session.