Dex giving a session

Ush2: Step 1 — Name Item

AUDIO: "First step is to name the item that we're going to process. So this would be whatever feeling or sensation, physical or emotional, that is an issue or problem for you and you want to resolve it."

Response Options:

Going OK

I've described and noted down my item

I'd like to do an ownership check pleaseWill open in new window


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time
The item details
SUDS/SUSHI score (optional)
For example:

2:34 pm
Nbvs mjkw oky

*SUDS/SUSHI score __/10


Step 1 Procedure

Articulate or describe, as exactly as you can, the unpleasant sensation, feeling, mood or pain. Stating or pointing to where it is located also helps.

Come up with a term or phrase, preferably not too many words, and write that down on a sheet of paper so it is very readable for you, and that's what we're going to be addressing in all the commands and instructions of all the steps of the process when we say "that item."

Ownership/Narrowed attention

Sometimes handling the charge works better when the person concentrates their attention into a particular area of the body or space around them. Do it in this way if it seems like the right thing to do, otherwise just do it generally. The full details are given at the link.


SUDS = Subjective Units of Distress (Negative) Scale
SUSHI = Subjective Units of Session Harmony and Insight (Positive scale)

Will open in a new window if you need to read it.

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish