Paul giving a session

IntExtStay: Explanations

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Lemme outta here!


Exteriorization and Interiorization

  • It is not obvious what is meant by Interiorization and Exteriorization with regard to a spiritual being and his/her body. The simplistic view that a being pops in and out of the body like a golf ball dropping into the cup and being picked out of it seems unlikely.
  • What is true is that many people have had various pains and pressures and difficulties with auditing relieved by addressing and handling the subject of Int.


It is probably true to say that:

Exteriorization is the action of you as a being changing your condition with regard to the body (or something else you are orienting yourself to) to a status more outside it than before; and

Interiorization is the action of you as a being changing your status with regard to the body (or something else you are orienting yourself to) to one more inside it than before.

Four rundowns to choose from

Recall Int RD

This is the familiar End of Endless Int Rundown, called by its Clearbird name of Recall Int Rundown.

Int RD with Engram Running

NED doesn't work with PaulsRobot as there is no meter use possible and also regular NED doesn't have an effective handling for anaten (shutting down at PaulsRobot) that can be done solo. However, what is here instead is very effective.

Int-Ext-Stay RD

This rundown is based on intentions. Running an intention using a Repeater technique brings to view many incidents involving that same intention and these can all be discharged in one go.

The theory that only Int is important seems to be inaccurate. This rundown allows you to also address Ext and Staying There, using additional buttons, if these areas are found to be charged.

Int-Ext-Stay RD by Groups

This allows a more detailed insight into and discharge of IntExtStay intentions and incidents, by assessing across 16 groups of items (the 8 Dynamics, the Havingness Scale, Scale of Confront etc.)

End Phenomenon of Rundown(s)

Regular Int RD

The regular EP for an Int Rundown is that you have no more attention on Int and Ext. Exteriorization is not the EP. If it happens that you feel you have gone exterior during the action, you end off gently as in any other auditing. But that is not part of the EP. You simply want to handle the bypassed charge connected with Int and Ext so you can continue in auditing without any worries about it.

Extended IntExtStay Rundowns

There are alternative EPs for the extended rundowns.

Frequency of sessions

A regular Int Rundown should be done in one session to the full EP if at all possible. If more sessions are needed it should be done on a daily basis at least.


Out-Int is considered the most heavy out-rudiment in general auditing and should be handled quickly without having life interfere.

Extended Int Rundowns

If you are addressing this area more for interest and curiosity than necessity, then it takes as long as it takes and you shouldn't worry about racing through it before something dire happens.

Which way was 'in'?

The question Which way was 'in'?, along with pointing in that direction, may be helpful as a quick shot.

Explanations (continued)


Narrowed attention

Sometimes handling the charge on rudiments or correction lists and even some processes works better when the person concentrates their attention into a particular area of the body or space around them. Do it in this way if it seems like the right thing to do, otherwise just do it generally.

Switch at any time

You can change your mind on this at any time.

Usually in or close around the body

We're usually looking for locations within a few feet of the body, in the area covered by the individual's magnetic (auric) field.

Concentrated or spread out

The charge might be concentrated into a very small area, or spread out over a large part of the body and a few feet (a meter) from it.

Possibly remote instead

It can also happen that one is picking up charge from a remote connection. The mechanics of this are not clear, but it is rarely necessary to identify the source of the charge any more specifically than recognizing that it is not within one's immediate magnetic field, while narrowing one's attention onto it.

Morphic fields etc.

There is also a possibility that some charge resides in a morphic field, and is not localised somewhere. Again, if it seems to apply, put your attention on where it seems to be and work with that, and if not don't.


The general idea here is that keeping one's attention focused into the relevant area will help prevent the remaining areas from having a not your item condition.

This is not necessarily important. But misownership may be a possibility if other reasons do not resolve some upset.

Assessing in session

The charge:

  • can be wholly yours,
  • can belong wholly to another or others, or
  • can be shared.
Just poke around a bit if it is a problem. It usually resolves easily.


Message board thread

This whole IntExtStay module was developed as a result of an internet message board thread entitled Out-Int — Fact or Fiction?. The opening post enquired whether Out-Int was real, or merely a suggested problem with no real basis in fact.

Several hundred posts later, it was clear that:

  • Many people had been experiencing mental and physical problems which only finally resolved when the subject of Interiorization was addressed
  • The then-existing rundowns used to address the condition were pretty hit and miss, with their underlying theory being inadequate.

Rog's View

Roger Boswarva's input was very useful, especially with regard to the importance of addressing the area via intentions. Here is a summary write-up from him.

Main differences from earlier approaches

Where the two Int-Ext-Stay rundowns here differ from earlier efforts is in:
  • Not making the (false) assumption that it is only necessary to address the action of going into things, and not the full range of going into something (Int), out of something (Ext), and just staying in something (Stay)
  • Allowing you to say for yourself what that something is, whether a human body, a physical location, a condition, some other dimension or domain, or whatever comes to mind as being your something. You can even leave it as general and not decide on any particular area if you wish
  • Offering you the option of first going for the high-level intentions underlying your actions, if you can spot these. Working with intentions that may be common to many incidents and involve many buttons can release charge not open to a one-button-at-a-time approach. If you can't spot intentions, no problem, but at least you have the option here of trying for them.

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual