Paul giving a session

PaulsRobot3 Woo-Woo: Glossary

My dream is that millions of people use free Rub & Yawn stress-release procedures to improve their lives — Paul

Woo-woo Glossary

  • ASTRAL BODY: The fourth aura body, the astral body, is amorphous and is composed of clouds of color more beautiful than those of the emotional body. The astral body tends to have the same set of colors, but they are usually infused with the rose light of love. It extends out about one half to one foot from the body.
  • AURA (or AURIC FIELD): The 2nd "dimension" of a person (see RAW4), comprising 7 main interpenetrating levels (see Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial, Ketheric Template Bodies).
  • CELESTIAL BODY: The sixth level is the emotional level of the spiritual plane, called the celestial body. It extends about two to two and three-quarter feet from the body. It is the level through which we experience spiritual ecstacy. We can reach it through meditation and many other forms of transformational work. When we reach the point of "being" where we know our connection with all the universe, when we see the light and love in everything that exists, when we are immersed in the light and feel we are of it and it is of us and feel that we are one with God, then we have raised our consciousness to the sixth level of the aura.
  • CHAKRA: All the major chakras, minor chakras, lesser chakras and acupuncture points are openings for energy to flow into and out of the aura. They appear to function as do fluid vortexes we are familiar with in water or air such as whirlpools, cyclones, water spouts and hurricanes. The open end of a normal (main) chakra in the first layer of the aura is about six inches in diameter at a distance of one inch from the body.
  • COLOR BREATHING: A simple way to charge the second level of the auric field is to do color breathing, since it contains all colors. This module is a PaulsRobot version of the procedure described in Barbara Brennan's book Light Emerging. It is not hard to do the procedure, at least to some extent. This is a "feeling" procedure, not a "thinking" one.
  • CORE STAR: As addressed in RAW4, the 4th and deepest of one's "dimensions." Here is localized the divine individuality within each of us. It is located one and one-half inches above the navel on the center line of the body.
  • EMOTIONAL BODY: The second auric body, or next finer after the etheric body, is generally called the emotional body, and is associated with feelings. It roughly follows the outline of the physical body. Its structure is much more fluid than the etheric and does not duplicate the physical body. Rather, it appears to be colored clouds of fine substance in continual fluid motion. It extends one to three inches from the physical body.
  • ETHERIC BODY: The etheric body (from "ether," the state between energy and matter) is composed of tiny energy lines like a sparkling web of light beams similar to the lines of a TV screen picture. It has the same structure as the physical body including all the anatomical parts and all the organs. It consists of a definite structure of lines of force, or energy matrix, upon which the physical matter of the body tissues is shaped and anchored.
  • ETHERIC TEMPLATE BODY: The fifth layer of the aura, so called because it contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a blueprint or template form. That is, it looks rather like the negative of a photograph. It is the template form for the etheric layer, which is the template form for the physical body. The etheric layer of the energy field derives its structure from the etheric template layer. It is the blueprint or the perfect form for the etheric layer to take. It extends from about one and one half to two feet from the physical body.


Woo-Woo Glossary (continued)

  • HARA: As addressed in RAW4, the 3rd of one's "dimensions." The haric level is the foundation upon which the aura rests. While the aura is related to your personality, the haric level is related to your intentions. It corresponds to your life task or your deeper spiritual purpose. It consists of three points along a laserlike line that is on the center line of our body. This line is about one-third of an inch wide and extends from a point about three and one-half feet above our head, down deep into the core of the earth.
  • HIGHER SENSE PERCEPTION: Used in SpotAnAngel, HSP is a way of perceiving things beyond the normal ranges of human senses. With it one can see, hear, smell, taste and touch things that cannot normally be perceived. HSP is a type of "seeing" in which you perceive a picture in your mind without the use of your normal vision. It is not imagination. It is sometimes referred to as clairvoyance. HSP reveals the dynamic world of fluid interacting life energy fields around and through all things. To develop HSP it is necessary to enter into an expanded state of consciousness. By changing one's HSP to different auric vibrational levels, different levels of the auric field become more clearly defined. Once these levels are clearly defined, it is easy to work directly with them.
  • KETHERIC TEMPLATE BODY: The seventh auric level is the mental level of the spiritual plane called the ketheric template. It extends from about two and one half to three and one half feet from the body. When we bring our consciousness to the seventh layer of the aura, we know that we are one with the Creator. The outer form is the egg shape of the aura body and contains all the auric bodies associated with the present incarnation an individual is undergoing. This body, too, is a highly structured template. To clairvoyant vision it appears as composed of tiny threads of gold-silver light of very strong durability that hold the whole form of the aura together. It contains a golden grid structure of the physical body and all the chakras.
  • LOVEDONE: The LovedOne module is designed to make it easier to communicate with a Loved One one cannot reach with the usual letters or phone calls (includes by reason of death).
  • MENTAL BODY: The third aura body is the mental body. This body extends beyond the emotional and is composed of still finer substances, all of which are associated with thoughts and mental processes. This body usually appears as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes. It extends from three to eight inches from the body.
  • MERIDIAN: The meridians (as considered in Traditional Chinese Medicine) are part of the subtle energy structure of a person, and belong in the same "dimension" as the aura bodies and chakras of the Hindu system. They are channels for moving subtle energy (life force, chi) around the whole person. Like the chakras, consider that a single meridian channel and its acupuncture points has its existence in all seven aura bodies.
  • RAW4: Reach & Withdraw 4 gives you the chance to run Reach & Withdraw on any or all of the parts that make up the four (supposed) dimensions of human existence: your physical body, your Aura bodies, your Hara, and your Core Star.
  • SPOTANANGEL: A module where you use your Higher Sense Perceptions to spot things in the 4 dimensions covered in RAW4.
  • SUBTLE ENERGY: High-frequency energies of various kinds that make up the extended anatomy of a person (chakras, meridians, auric fields etc.). The charge associated with the sensations, emotions and thoughts contained in a person's baggage is also made up of subtle energy.