Response Options:Back to SpotAnAngel instructionsNotes:PaulsRobot is designed mostly for individuals to act as their own session supervisor, unless there is a professional available who is trained specifically in these procedures. It is usually a bad idea to decide mid-session on a new session plan for the ongoing session. End the session first, take a breather, then work out what to do in the next session.Here are some sample session plans. You don't have to stick to these, but it might be advisable, at least to begin with. You don't have to do them in the sequence given, although it might be a good idea to follow the general outline here. Example session plan #1
2. If you have attention on something like a recent upset or problem or something bad you did, address this first. You can use the Core module, HeavyDuty, Morph or BasicR3X. Return to the rest of your written session plan when your attention is freed up from the current upset or whatever and you feel better. This SpotAnAngel module has no provision for addressing mundane upsets or problems. 3. Follow the instructions exactly as given, especially including the 4. Do General HSP on anything until you have had some wins and feel good about it. Example session plan #2 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Continue with General HSP on anything until you have had some wins and feel good about it. Example session plan #3 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do 4HSP on anything. Go round and round, even if it seems that what you are observing is imaginary (and it might well be). Get into the swing of it, and don't get stuck on the first command because you are convinced that you cannot do it. Continue until it seems like you actually are genuinely using HSP at least some of the time. |
Notes (continued):Example session plan #4[Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Continue with the previous session plan until it seems to be done. Example session plan #5 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Make a start on 7HSP on 7 aura levels. You don't have to do 1-49 in sequence. If you find some combinations of level and chakra easier to do than others, by all means concentrate on those ones and not the harder ones. End off the session on a win. Example session plan #6 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do more 7HSP on 7 aura levels. Try to get better at using HSP. Don't worry if you can't do it on all the levels. Example session plan #7 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do 7HSP on 7 levels until you feel reasonably good at it. Example session plan #8 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Make a start on 4HSP on all 4 dimensions. Get your feet wet. If necessary, go back and do more RAW4 on the hara and core star levels. Example session plan #9 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do 4HSP on all 4 dimensions until you feel good about it. Example session plan #10 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Make a start at Spot An Angel (Greetings). Get your feet wet. End off on a win. Example session plan #11 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do Spot An Angel (Greetings) until you feel good about it. Example session plan #12 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Follow the instructions in the troubleshooting section. Do the out-of-session steps first; then if needed the first type of session; then if needed the second type of session. |