Paul giving a session

Scn-ExpARCSW: Explanations

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Great! Let's do the full pre-session check to make sure I'm ready for the session

I'm familiar with what is needed and I am fully sessionable. I've set up the session environment. Let's go!

Lemme outta here!


ARC means Affinity, Reality and Communication, the components (according to Hubbard) of Understanding.

Straightwire was a 1950s straight-memory technique, coming from the idea of stringing a wire directly from now to back then.

Expanded means that the total number of procedures addressing the subject of this level (Recall, in this case) have been expanded from simply running the main process of the level (here it is Number 11).


Scientology (Scn) procedures are often called processes or routines.

Talk therapy

Most of the processes in ExpARCSW are talk-type processes. The Robot auditor (practitioner) asks a question and you look into your mind for the answer, speak the answer aloud (really!), make a notation on your worksheet/report that you are keeping, and click the appropriate link. The Robot auditor will acknowledge you for your answer, then give the appropriate next question.


Repetitive processes

Most of the processes of ExpARCSW are repetitive processes. This means that a question is given, it is answered, and then the same question is given again. This will usually prompt a different answer, as something different will usually have come to mind. This procedure is continued until the end point of the process is reached.
Alternate repetitive processes
Sometimes, instead of the commands being A, A, A ..., the commands run A, B, A, B, A ..., or even A, B, C, D, E, F, A, B ....

End point of process

In Scientology, a process is supposed to be continued for as long as it continues to produce change, and no longer. One is supposed to feel good about it, ideally to have had a realization of some kind about oneself or life.

Charged and uncharged processes

One is supposed to run charged processes only, and to skip uncharged ones. Great in theory, but how does one determine this in session? One way is to follow one's interest: Am I interested in running this process now? The Scn theory is that one should be interested in most of the Expanded Grade processes if they have not been run before. If there is no interest in any of them, it is very possible that there is one or more rudiment (like an upset, or problem, or harmful action) that should be addressed first, and this can be addressed using the PaulsRobot ruds module.