Paul giving a session

PaulsRobot3 Scn: Glossary

My dream is that millions of people use free Rub & Yawn stress-release procedures to improve their lives — Paul

Scientology Glossary

  • ADDITIVE: Something extra added in that reduces the overall effectiveness. It is never good.
  • ANATEN: Short for analytical attenuation and means going foggy. Same as shutting down at PaulsRobot.
  • AUDITOR: Practitioner, facilitator, processor or coach. The trained person who delivers the session to the client.
  • CASE: A person's "baggage."
  • CASE SUPERVISOR: The person tasked with overseeing a person's sessions to ensure that the long-term auditing plan is being followed, and session by session that the procedures are being done in line with Scn rules. Similar to a session supervisor in PaulsRobot.
  • CHARGE: Harmful subtle energy connected to a topic or incident, that is discharged in running a process. This discharge is often seen as yawns or sighs or other bodily discharges. When something has been discharged the memories will remain but they will no longer be unpleasant.
  • CLEAR: A supposed (and much desired by Scios) state that one can obtain through Scn processing. It indicates that one should not easily become the effect of one's mental "baggage," or ideally (and unreally) have no baggage left at all.
  • CLEARBIRD: The pseudonym of a highly-trained Scio who has written and put online an extensive treatment of the main Scn procedures and how to do them properly.
  • CONFRONT: In Scn use means "face without flinching, tolerate easily," without the aspect of challenge in the regular English usage.
  • END CYCLE (ON): To (mentally) finish with, to permanently take one's attention off, to put behind one, to move on, to "achieve closure."
  • END PHENOMENA (EP): End Point at PaulsRobot. The indications in a person that a process or session or entire grade is complete.
  • EOS: End of Session, written on the user's worksheets or report to mark the point (always with the time noted) when the session ends.
  • ESMB: The Ex-Scientologist Message Board, a popular online forum where Paul (user name Dulloldfart) has posted extensively about PaulsRobot and related matters since 2007.
  • EXAMINER: A Quality-Control person in a Scn org, who briefly sees a person after every session to check that they appear to be happy with the service. There is no real PaulsRobot equivalent.
  • FLAT: A process is flat when there is no more change occurring, no more charge coming off.
  • GLIB STUDENT: A student who can repeat everything verbatim and yet can't demonstrate any practical ability in a subject. It is all glib memorizing with little or no real understanding.
  • GRADE or LEVEL: In Scn these are Grades 0-4. A Grade includes a big bunch of processes dealing with a particular topic (like Communication or Problems). Scn theory (falsely) holds that when all these processes have been run to EP, then one is "released" from that subject and thereafter won't have problems with it.
  • HAVE/HAVING/HAV etc.: Various techniques to increase the energy level of the client; also the energy level of the client ("Her havingness was good and she had energy to spare").
  • INT-EXT-STAY: Some people have had trouble with Exteriorization or Interiorization. The four rundowns in the IntExtStay module address these subjects more fully than focusing on the "Int" factor alone can. Scn tech has counterparts of the first two.
  • KNOW BEST: The concept is of someone not following the recommended procedure but doing it their own way (knowing best), leading to a worse result. It is never used in Scn to mean actually knowing better than the official text.
  • MAKE WRONG: Make someone guilty, whether they deserve it or not. For example, a make-wrong of a mugging victim could be, "You got mugged? You must have done something really bad to pull that in!"
  • MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS: (MUs) Words which are misunderstood or not understood in their present context. MUs can create physiological effects, like going foggy or even going to sleep. A good student in Scn will deal with any misunderstood or not-understood words as he goes along, and not skip any through laziness or inattention.
  • OBJECTIVE: Having to do with the physical universe, external to the viewer's mind (compare SUBJECTIVE).


Scn Glossary (continued)

  • ORG: Organization, where regular Scn services used to be delivered. Currently, service delivery has been mostly supplanted by gratuitous fund-raising.
  • OUT-: Indicates something that is wrong or omitted in Scn's view, like out-tech means the tech is not being applied according to Scn rules. PaulsRobot, for example, is horrendously out-tech. :)
  • PRECLEAR (PC): Most commonly used to mean simply a person receiving Scn auditing sessions.
  • PROCESS: Technique; procedure used in session by the facilitator or automated program.
  • R3R: Routine 3 Revised, a useful stress-release procedure developed in 1968 and incorporated into R3X. Includes commands like Locate an incident, When was it?, Move to that incident, Move through that incident, and What happened?
  • R3X: Routine 3 Expanded, a modern stress-release procedure, mainly consisting of R3R and the 6-Direction technique, the basic parts of which have been replicated in the PaulsRobot BasicR3X module.
  • RELEASE: (Noun) A supposed state of being released from the bad effects of some mental "baggage." There can be relatively little releases (like at the end of a process) and relatively big releases (like at the end of an entire Grade). The big ones have numbers/names: ARC Straightwire (Recall) Release, Grade 0 (Communications) ~, Grade 1 (Problems) ~, Grade 2 (Relief) ~, Grade 3 (Freedom) ~, Grade 4 (Ability) ~. The numbers are more commonly used than the names.
  • ROBOT: A bad word in Scn, indicating a person with rote unthinking behaviour. A "robotic auditor," as opposed to one who is in tune with the person in front of them at that moment, is considered to be the worst kind of auditor. PaulsRobot was originally called Paul's Robot Auditor as an in-joke.
  • RESTIMULATE: Stir into life a charged item, which tends to prompt someone to "act out." This occurs naturally with random events in life, or can be done deliberately as is sometimes done in auditing or PaulsRobot.
  • RUNDOWN: A series of procedures dealing with a particular area.
  • SESSION: Period of time with a start and an end in which the user manipulates and discharges mental images.
  • SHUTTING DOWN: Going foggy, blanking out, losing focus, even slightly, as a result of some charge getting triggered. It is resolved easily by vigorous Rub & Yawn as long as one catches it in time. If not, it is easy to go to sleep, wasting valuable minutes of session time or life. It happens in life too, not just sessions, and the same remedy works in life. Called Anaten in Scn.
  • STANDARD: A Scn buzz-word meaning desirable, as in "Standard Tech." It has various false "official" definitions.
  • SUBJECTIVE: Occurring in the mind of the viewer (compare Objective).
  • TECH: Short for technology, it is the entire corpus of Scn auditing procedures and supporting theory.
  • TITS: This Is The Session, often written at the start of the session. Equivalent to SOS (Start of Session), always with the time noted.
  • TRIGGER: Cause the charge from a topic to suddenly become active and impinge on a person, so that he will experience the downscale sensations, emotions and thoughts contained in this piece of "baggage." In Phase 3 work one does this selectively and deliberately so that the topics in question can be discharged and not available to be triggered in the future. Sometimes life triggers topics randomly.
  • VERBAL DATA: There is a strong emphasis in Scn of never explaining something verbally to someone, but instead referring the person to the relevant "official" text on the matter.
  • WORD CLEARING: Clearing the meanings of misunderstood and not-understood words. This is done extensively in Scn.