Response Options:Back to RAW4 instructionsNotes:PaulsRobot is designed mostly for individuals to act as their own session supervisor, unless there is a professional available who is trained specifically in these procedures. It is usually a bad idea to decide mid-session on a new session plan for the ongoing session. End the session first, take a breather, then work out what to do in the next session.Here are some sample session plans. You don't have to stick to these, but it might be advisable, at least to begin with. You don't have to do them in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4. If you want, you can do sessions using 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, or whichever seems appropriate at the time. Example session plan #1
2. If you have attention on something like a recent upset or problem or something bad you did, address this first. You can use the Core module, HeavyDuty, Morph or BasicR3X. Return to the rest of your written session plan when your attention is freed up from the current upset or whatever and you feel better. This RAW4 module has no provision for addressing mundane upsets or problems. 3. Follow the instructions exactly as given, especially including the 4. Do R & W on the first level, the physical body. Pick whichever parts from that level that you wish. Include some internal parts (maybe the kidneys or liver) as well as external visible parts. Example session plan #2 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Continue with the physical body until you are fairly confident about doing R & W on internal parts that you cannot directly see or easily feel (you can't see your kneecap but can easily feel it). Example session plan #3 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do a "round" of R & W on the aura bodies, from 1 to 7. Do aura body 1 for a bit, then 2 for a bit, and so on. If you have, say, 30 minutes for the session, then do about 4 minutes for each level. There is nothing in particular expected to happen (although it might) other than having had a go at each level, so don't expect to see each aura body in its full glory like in the illustrations. The purpose of this first "upper-level" session is just to gain some slight familiarity with what is expected to be there. |
Notes (continued):Example session plan #4[Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do the same as session plan #3 but for the 7 major chakras. Just get your feet wet. Example session plan #5 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do the same as session plan #3 but for the 12 main meridians and the 2 extraordinary ones mentioned. Just get your feet wet. Example session plan #6 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do the same as session plan #3 but for the hara level. Just get your feet wet. Example session plan #7 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Do R & W on your core star. Example session plan #8 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Before the session, look over your notes from the previous sessions and find which of the four levels seemed to be the most useful for you. Then do a more in-depth session on that level. Example session plan #9 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Now that you are more familiar with how it all goes, do R & W on minor chakras or acupuncture points that interest you. Example session plan #10 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. The hara level is all about intentionality and your life's purpose. See if you can gain a stronger connection to your own life's purpose by doing R & W intensively on this level. Example session plan #11 [Points 1-3 of the first session plan above are understood to apply to each session plan that you do] 4. Follow the instructions in the troubleshooting section. Do the out-of-session steps first; then if needed the first type of session; then if needed the second type of session. |