Paul giving a session

Prez: 3-7 How Big Are You?

AUDIO: "Fair enough. How big are you?"

Response Options:

Going OK

I've said how big I am. My named identity is bigger than me

I've said how big I am. I am bigger than my named identity


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time
The item number and any details
For example:

11:34 am
3-1. Where me? Nbv sdje kk.
3-2. How big? Ukjj nmws.
3-3. Name ID? Rgf wd nplq.
3-4. Where ID? Lk mjy qahwnrd.
3-5. Describe. Mnwo llki jhe rt.
3-6. How big ID? Ammq lkyh nt pljj.

3-7. How big me? Nbf wwyh gbn.


Original ACW text


Tell client you are going to include spotting identities and size of identities, plus spotting the spiritual being that created the identity.

1 -- Where are you?

2 -- How big are you?

3 -- Name the identity you wear.
Get name.

4 -- Where is (named identity)?

5 -- Describe that (named identity).

6 -- How big is that (named identity)?

7 -- How big are you?

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish