Paul giving a session

BasicR3X: R3R — Move Through Incidents

AUDIO: "Good. Move through to the end of every incident in the series."

Response Options:

I moved through to the end of every incident in the series

Lifetime Scanning only>>> I got hung up in a particular incident

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Locate inc _____

When? _____

Move /

Dur? _____

B4 /

Thru /


Simultaneous address

In theory

In theory, you will be simultaneously spanning your attention across all the incidents at once, from before the start of each to the end of each.

In practice

In practice, as you try to do this your attention will be dominated by relatively few parts as you try to move through all the incidents in the series and you won't really be aware of the other parts so much, or even at all. This is fine. Just go with the flow again.

Lifetime Scanning

BasicR3X is using the same screens for a series of incidents and a period of time. When you are doing Lifetime Scanning and get hung up in too snaggy an incident (this is meant to happen!), click the second link. It will allow you to address that single incident before continuing on with the Lifetime Scanning.

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual