Paul giving a session

HeavyDuty: Confront - Right (1/2)

AUDIO: "Thank you. What part of your topic could you confront?"

Response Options:

I found a part I could confront and said it aloud

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:


__:__ (The time, if you haven't noted it for a while)

R /

Y lkoi kjuh vnbww fhryd vnfhru ndue.... (Any important comments you wish to make)

For example:
Above // Below // Right // (y) Left // Front // Behind //
Getting easier now
Ab // Bl // R /


Sometimes the same thing comes first to mind for both the Confront and Rather not confront questions. That's totally fine. It's usually best to go with what first comes to mind in these sessions.