Paul giving a session

HeavyDuty: Responsibility - Below (1/2)

AUDIO: "All right. What part of your topic would you rather not be responsible for?"

Response Options:

I found a part I would rather not be responsible for and said it aloud

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:


__:__ (The time, if you haven't noted it for a while)

Bl / (The direction and a forward-slash to show you found a part you would rather not be responsible for)

Y lkoi kjuh vnbww fhryd vnfhru ndue.... (Any important comments you wish to make)

For example:
Above // Below // Right // (y) Left // Front // Behind //
Getting easier now
Ab //Bl /


The idea with this command is to examine whatever particular aspect of your overall topic is drawing your attention right now and find some part of it you would prefer not to be responsible for, even if it is only a very small part of it.

The overall topic would include all the events, all the people and places, all the thoughts, feelings, physical pressures and forces, etc. But usually only a small part of someone's overall hot topic seems important to them personally at any one time, even if other parts are of more interest to others.

Again, do not simply settle for a general "All of it" at the outset, but find a specific part, then say it aloud.