Paul giving a session

Mega: Topic — When? (1)

AUDIO: "All right. When was this?"

Response Options:

Run the list

I've said when this was


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time at the start of the list
Write the prefix (use the same prefix for the whole list), such as "During Desert Storm" or "While in uniform," or . . .
Write the question number you are taking up.
Write a name for this topic
Write a SUDS* score for this topic if you wish

Write when it happened
For example:

10:43 am
During my last tour
Q03. Mnaakl jjqpm? Bgh wjshy nmpoll kji hjgey ghdtegs.

SUDS score ___/10

When? Mnkj llmp qws.



You can give this by calendar date, or in relation to other events. Examples could be:
  • 13th April 1991
  • Summer of 2007
  • Near the end of my first tour
  • The day of the leg injury
Be as exact as you can, but don't sweat it if you can't be very precise at all.

Shutting down

If you feel yourself suddenly shutting down (starting to go to sleep and feeling mentally foggy as a result of heavy sensory/emotional charge being stirred up, not from lack of sleep or eating too much), recognize it as such. Hit the shutting down link visible on most of the session pages for a quick and effective remedy. Note that you have to DO the remedy at that point, not merely read about it!

You will still have to reduce the heavy charge with the ongoing session actions, but you will have successfully dealt with that effect of it for now.

Go with what flashes to mind

Briefly say aloud (images, feelings, sounds, whatever) what has been triggered by the question. Don't second-guess it and try to find another answer. Simply:
  1. describe aloud (really!) what got triggered by the question,
  2. make comments on your worksheet as you wish,
  3. click the next link.

Use the Robot commands

These sessions go much better if you follow the instructions and allow the Robot to give the commands and "run" the session. If you stop clicking the links and try to do it all "in your head" instead it really doesn't work so well.

Adding in Rub & Yawn is strongly recommended