Paul giving a session

Morph: Location — One Null

AUDIO: "OK. Have your topic be in its null state, its rest state."

Response Options:

I've nulled my topic — Back to Location One

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

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Kmk qhab bfge mjiuw... (Any comments)



The null state is supposed to be the neutral state between the two extremes of changing the topic one way and changing it the other way. Like the center position between left and right, or the level condition between up and down etc. Or it could be the off state as opposed to the on state.

It means your topic as it appears to you this very moment without you doing anything consciously to change it. It's OK if this is different to how it appeared before.


It could be that your topic appears to be doing backflips all on its own without your willing input at all. If so, that's fine, just let it do its own thing, so to speak. Null means you aren't consciously trying to affect it at all.