Paul giving a session

Morph: Space — Expand

AUDIO: "Good. Expand some spaces in your topic."

Response Options:

I expanded some spaces in my topic

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time you started the Space variations)


Nvbmzx + Y - y + - + - + (The name of the Space variation you are using, like "Expand/collapse" or "Change geometry." Mark a stroke or something for every time you execute the command, or command pair. Mark yawns as usual.)

Kmk qhab bfge mjiuw... (Any comments)


Expand/collapse space

Make the space bigger or smaller, either the gaps between things or the whole field in which things exist. This could mean enlarge or contract the whole scene, like zooming in or out, or it could mean distorting the scene by selectively changing only parts of it. Your choice.