Paul giving a session

Morph: Universe — Down (1)

AUDIO: "All right. Flip your topic down a universe."

Response Options:

I flipped my topic down a universe — Flip it up next

I flipped my topic down a universe — Flip it down one more

This pair is flat — Back to options

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time you started the Universe variations)


Lpkycc + Y - y + - + - + (The name of the Universe variation you are using, like "Change universe" or "In." Mark a stroke or something for every time you execute the command, or command pair. Mark yawns as usual.)

Lorzm mijkq pge... (Any comments)


Flip universe up/down, in/out

Up and down are a pair of opposites, and so are in and out. Beyond that, no particular definition for the terms is insisted upon.

Returning to everyday universe

When you finish switching the universe around in your topic, do remember to click on and run the null command to return your viewpoint to everyday normality.