Paul giving a session

ExpGrade0: Process 2 — Flow 1 (1 of 2)

AUDIO: "OK. Tell me something _____ [hot terminal] wouldn't mind you communicating with."

Response Options:

Going OK

Something came to mind that this person wouldn't mind me communicating with, and I said it aloud

This flow regarding this particular terminal seems to be flat


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The name of the process command if you haven't already done so
That you have cleared the meaning of the process
Note when you have dug in and stirred up any charge
The time at the start of the process
Make a mark for every time you execute the command
Write any comments if you wish.
For example:

#2, Ax 51 (comm re hot terminals)
Cleared and grooved in
9:12 am
- Mother F1 //// //// //// / flat
F2 //// //// flat
F3 /// flat
F0 //// / flat
- Uncle friggin Larry F1 //// /


Axiom 51 Comm Process

  • You are supposed to run all four flows (assuming each is charged) of this process on one hot terminal; then all four flows on another hot terminal, and so on, until you run out of hot terminals (people usually) to run this particular process on. So the first thing to do is pick a terminal that is charged. It's probably best to go with the first one that comes to mind.
  • This one process isn't going to take all the charge off a hot terminal!
  • In case you were wondering . . . Axiom 51: Postulates and live communication not being MEST and being senior to MEST can accomplish change in MEST without bringing about a persistence of MEST. Thus auditing can occur.

General instructions for Expanded Grades procedures

(Full details here)
  • Dig in and stir up any charge you have on it
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till flat
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish