Paul giving a session

ExpGrade0: Process 11 — Introduction

AUDIO: "All right. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen.

Response Options:

Going OK

OK. I've got all that and I'm ready to roll


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time at the start of this process
The process number and name
For example:

12:40 pm
#11. R2-60 start


#11 Routine 2-60

Keep good admin

There are about 250 pages of commands for this process. Make sure your worksheets show the exact command you are running, including the name and not just a number, otherwise it will be hard for you to follow later if you look back at them.

Exterior perception

The procedure as originally written has two aims:
  1. to discharge things that get churned up by the procedure (and one does have to dig in to do this)
  2. to drill one's ability to spot things directly in the physical universe remote from one in time and/or space.
The original text for this encourages the user to "spot _____ in the physical universe" as opposed to spotting things in one's mind. This instruction is, in my (Paul's) opinion, somewhat far-fetched for someone doing Grade 0. Encouraging this ability, as if anyone could reasonably be expected to do it, is likely to lead only to increasing delusion. So, the option is retained in this process module since this module tries to duplicate the original procedures as much as possible, but it is not particularly stressed.


  • The first command, as given by Hubbard, is something like "Spot some hidden communications" (plural). This can either be in your mind, or in the physical universe. If it is in the physical universe, part of the procedure is to point to "it" and then say how far away "it" seems to be. So although the command asks for communications (plural), these are to be considered as a single group. For example, a cat mewing at a particular time and place might come up in response to the question — it is a group of communications that could be considered to be a unit item, and it is hidden in the sense that a human would probably not really understand it completely.
  • If a communication (singular) comes to mind in response to the command, that's fine, go with it.

Relate each command to your own life

  • It is very important to chew over these commands thoroughly and see how they could apply. Otherwise the process may simply go over your head and most of the items seem to be not applicable. For example, the next set of commands after hidden communications concern "protected communications." You most likely know what the two words mean, but if just launch straight into the process it is likely that it will miss.
  • What is a "protected communication" exactly? An example might be a note that Jenny Baker at Junior High didn't want you to see, as she was protecting her communication from you. Or a note at school that you were trying to protect from Miss Simpson, and failed, as she read it out to the whole class and you almost died of embarrassment. How about something you whispered to Lynn at work and didn't want overheard? A private email that went astray? Something carefully encrypted on your computer and maybe you lost the secret key? Eavesdropping on the neighbours when you were eight? Etc. etc.
  • Once you have worked out a few of these examples using your own life, not someone else's life, then the process will probably run properly.

How long for the whole lot?

It is possible that this entire process, R2-60, with all its steps, will run for 50 or 100 hours. As long as charge is coming off, this is time well spent.

General instructions for Expanded Grades procedures

(Full details here)
  • Dig in and stir up any charge you have on it
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till flat
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish