Paul giving a session

ExpGrade0: Process 11A Part 3 — Spot Owned Communications — Flow 1 (1 of 2)

AUDIO: "Good. Spot some communications of yours another has owned."

Response Options:

Going OK

I spotted some communication(s) of mine another has owned, and I gave aloud some details

Going OK, exterior perception

I spotted in the physical universe some communication(s) of mine another has owned, and I gave aloud some detailsPage will open in new window

Just closed "how far" new window

This flow seems flat

Next flow


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time at the start of this process part
Number and name of process part (and flow)
That you've churned up this area
Make a mark for every time you execute the command
Write any comments if you wish.
For example:

9:03 am
11a-3 Owned Communications
Clear/stir done
/// bvdx ml lmkupp ajdne twhdr fdvew mnhbuk / //// /


#11. Routine 2-60

11a-3 Owned Communications


Possessed, controlled, dominated, enjoyed, had, had rights to, had title to, held, inherited, kept, occupied, retained, bought, had in hand, etc.


Messages, letters, spoken words, ideas, intentions, things overheard, things you read laying around, newspapers, radio or TV broadcasts, lectures, books, recordings, movies, announcements, notices, advertisements, magazines, placards, billboards, flyers, commercials, propaganda, online articles, websites, etc.

Work with real instances

You want to stir stuff up and discharge it, not zip through the process as quickly as possible. So work with real instances of this item that apply to your own life, not theoretical examples.

General instructions for Expanded Grades procedures

(Full details here)
  • Dig in and stir up any charge you have on it
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till flat
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish