Response Options:Spectral colors• Infrared• Red • Orange • Yellow • Green • Blue • Indigo • Violet • Ultraviolet All the following should have an opalescent quality• Silver• Gold • Platinum • Crystalline • White • I have selected a hot item from this group, and noted it in my worksheets • Close this extra window • • Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization Write on Report:Write the time every now and thenWrite the group name, for example "Colors" Write each group item and its assessment factor For example: 7:54 am
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Notes:Description of group items: See belowHottest? Huh?One way or another you are supposed to pick the hottest item off the list. It's not a disaster if you get the second-hottest instead, but the idea is to avoid being in the position where you are running some wimpy item and the charge from the really hot item is getting in the way of what you are running instead of it.How to assess items?One way is to talk aloud about the item for ten seconds or so. Talk to the wall maybe. If the item is hot, then you might notice your voice catching, or emotion welling up, strong feelings, or something like that. In this case, you should also be interested in running the item.Mark the
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