Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD: Part 0 — Dimension Pick Item

AUDIO: "All right. Pick the hottest item from this group with respect to Interiorization, Exteriorization and Just Staying There, as of right now."

Response Options:

0. Physical
1. Etheric
2. Emotional
3. Mental
4. Astral
5. Etheric template
6. Celestial
7. Ketheric template
8. Hara level
9. Core Star level
10. Higher Self

I have selected a hot item from this group, and noted it in my worksheetsClose this extra window

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write the group name, for example "Dimension"
Write each group item and its assessment factor

For example:

7:54 am
Physical     x
Etheric     x
Emotional     LF
Mental     x
Astral     sF

and so on


Description of group items: See below

Hottest? Huh?

One way or another you are supposed to pick the hottest item off the list. It's not a disaster if you get the second-hottest instead, but the idea is to avoid being in the position where you are running some wimpy item and the charge from the really hot item is getting in the way of what you are running instead of it.

How to assess items?

One way is to talk aloud about the item for ten seconds or so. Talk to the wall maybe. If the item is hot, then you might notice your voice catching, or emotion welling up, strong feelings, or something like that. In this case, you should also be interested in running the item.

Mark the read for each item

Mark the read or amount of TA, maybe as a numerical score (0-5), maybe even as a familiar x (no read), sF (small fall), F (fall), LF (long fall), etc.

Description of group items

Feel free to skip this one if it is too weird for you.

human aura

The levels 1-9 are based on the works of Barbara Brennan. Her model details the different dimensions of a human being, each interpenetrating and co-existing with the others. It's OK if these are completely unreal to you — they might help someone else. For details see her books, such as Hands of Light. The image here shows levels 1-7.

If one's real existence includes the golden-egg form that extends well outside the physical, possibly one thinks that one should only exist within the confines of the body. In such a case, it is not surprising that the stresses and strains resulting from trying to compress oneself into a far smaller package could cause various unpleasant pains and sensations in that body.

Higher Self

The name is common to many authors, but the concept I am using here comes from the Life-Between-Lives research of Dr. Michael Newton. His books are based on the commonalities among over 7,000 of his cases, and not merely on his opinions. He says one's natural domain is in the timeless spirit world. To live a human life, the being splits his essence into two, leaving roughly half in the timeless spirit world, and investing the remainder into a partnership with a human body and mind. The baby's mind is a blank slate, but the immortal soul part definitely is not. Chronological time will start for the soul part on Earth at birth, and his perceptions and memories of the spirit world will fade as he becomes more immersed in human life. But the contact is never lost, and the part of the soul on Earth is always connected to its counterpart in the spirit world, rather literally the higher self.

An individual may have glimpses of his other life, and is very likely to misinterpret what he sees. The spirit world being essentially timeless, one may think events in it to have occurred a very long time ago, or in a different universe.

How is this relevant to the Int-Ext-Stay RD? However you wish. Whatever comes up in session is whatever comes up, but this may allow a different interpretation to what you are familiar with.

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual