Paul giving a session

Recall Int RD: 08 Can't Go In — Flow 1 (1 of 2)

AUDIO: "Good. Recall a time when you couldn't go in."

Response Options:

I recalled a time when I couldn't go in, and I said aloud what it was

This recall flow on this button is flat right now

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write the Int Button
Mark each instance you execute a command
Write brief comments as needed

For example:

Recall Int Rundown (Ownership: Generally)
10:54 am
Go in              x
Went in        F
Put in           sF
Int into s/g   x

F1 x
F3 x
F0 sF
F2 |||| |||| |||| | flat

F1 x
F2 x
F3 x
F0 F
F0 |||| |||| || hah! explains about the trouble with Joanie - flat

F1 x
F2 x
F3 x
F0 x

Reassess Int buttons
. . .
F1 |||| |||| |||| ||| flat

and so on . . .


End Point of Flow

Recall times per the command until the flow is flat, i.e. nothing else is coming to mind in response to the question.

There may be a realization, but there does not have to be.

End Point of Rundown

Exteriorization is not the EP of this. If it happens that you feel you have gone exterior during the action, you end off gently as in any other session. But that is not part of the EP. You simply want to handle the stirred-up charge connected with Int and Ext so you can continue with your regular sessions without any worries about it.

Overall outline of rundown:

  1. Assess the 12 Int buttons to find the hottest button right at this moment
  2. Assess the four flows re that button to find the hottest flow right at this moment
  3. Flatten with recall that hottest flow of that hottest button
  4. Reassess the four flows re that same button
  5. Flatten with recall any remaining hot flows of that same button
  6. Repeat 1-5 above until full EP of Recall Int Rundown.

(Note: You have the option of running these actions addressing ownership issues if you wish.)

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual