Paul giving a session

ColorBreathing: Instructions

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Great! Let's do the full pre-session check to make sure I'm ready for the session.

I'm familiar with what is needed and I am fully sessionable. I've set up the session environment. Let's go!

Lemme outta here!


This basic Color Breathing procedure is taken from the book Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan. It has been modified slightly to fit into the PaulsRobot paradigm.

She says:

Color Breathing meditation

Since the second level of the field contains all colors, a simple way to charge the second level is to do color breathing. You can use any colors you like. I suggest that you try the following ones: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, lavender and rose. You may wish to add white, silver, gold, and black. Get a sample of each of the colors you want to use — like a piece of cloth, paper, plastic or glass. You may even use the rainbow colors created by the sun through a leaden-glass crystal in your window.

Be sure that you follow the instructions carefully. Do not just think about the color, or you will make yellow. By thinking, you activate the third level of your field and draw energy to it. Yellow is the color you make when you think. To keep the energy coming into the second level of the field, you must feel the color. You must become the color. You must be the color. To become a color you must enter into the feeling state of that color.

  1. Hold the color in your hand, feel the color, look at it.
  2. Breathe the color in. Fill your whole body with the color.
  3. Become the color.
  4. Now breathe the color out.
  5. Breathe the color in again. This time fill your whole auric field with the color. Imagine that you are the color.
  6. Feel what it feels like to be the color.
  7. Now breathe the color out.
  8. Repeat this several times.
  9. Now breathe in the next color. Again, fill your body and field with the color.
  10. Repeat each color several times before you move on the next. As you do this, you will notice that different colors have different effects on your moods. Each color is associated with a principle or quality. If you need that attribute in your life, meditating on that color and bringing it into you will help you develop it in your life.

PaulsRobot version

Each color has three screens that cover it.

Screen 1 covers Point 1 above. Screen 2 covers Points 2, 3, 4. Screen 3 covers Points 5, 6, 7.

The other points are covered in how you use the above. The specific principles or qualities are shown in a page you will see directly after the start-of-session page.

Notes (continued):

Column widths

Most of the pages at PaulsRobot have the left column and right column of equal width. Most of the session pages in this ColorBreathing module are different, in order to accommodate the graphics in the right hand column in pages 2 and 3 of each set of colors. The default is set to 30% and 70%, accomplished by using a different css page, colorbreathing.css. The only difference between this css page and the normal css page is in these column widths. If you want to change the column widths to display better on whatever display screen you are using, simply change the figures at the top of the css page. The bits to change are clearly shown. The css file can be edited using a simple text editor, like Notepad.

General instructions

Here are general instructions on how to run this session. There are further notes on individual pages that are more specific to those pages.

ColorBreathing session end points

The end point for a ColorBreathing session is covered here.

Basic equipment needed

You will need a computer screen, and a mouse. It is possible to do without sound, but most people prefer to have the sound turned on and listen to the commands as well as being able to read them, and often make comments aloud. You can usually remain seated throughout the session. You will need usual session things like worksheets and pens, and a clock or watch. Many people keep worksheets onscreen in a separate window to the left of the main session window, using Notepad or a similar application.

Before starting the session

It is assumed that you know enough to only start the session when you have had enough sleep and are not tired; you have eaten enough good food (not junk food) and you are not hungry or thirsty; you are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol; you have set up a safe auditing environment and are not going to be disturbed by outside factors while you are in session (also turn off your mobile phone, radio etc.); and you have enough time for the session.

Shutting down

If you feel yourself shutting down, recognize it as such. Hit the red Shutting Down link, and then rub stuff and yawn for as long as needed to get rid of the shutting down. End off dealing with the shutting down when you can rub away for a full minute by the clock without getting any more yawns. Close out the Shutting Down window, and continue the process where you left off.

If you feel you need some energy exchange during the session, but aren't particularly shutting down, that's OK, your choice. Make a note in your worksheets, and just start rubbing and yawning away. Once you start rubbing, rub for a full minute by the clock without any yawns before ending off, though.

Rub & Yawn on the higher levels

Once in a higher frame of mind, you may find it more effective to "rub" by things like clapping your hands together with them a foot or so apart, and just feeling the interplay of the different auric levels as they pass through the backs of your hands. Seriously!

Have a written session plan before you start the session

You should have a written session plan before you start. Here are some examples you might find useful. You can write this yourself if you don't have someone else acting as your session supervisor. The reason for writing it is so that you know exactly what you will be doing in the session, and don't go off on some wild tangent. You should not do a session without a written session plan which you keep to in session. If the session plan turns out to not be working in session, then end off the session and write a different session plan outside of session. Why? In a heavy session one's analytical thinking powers will be tied up with dealing with the session phenomena and there won't be enough clear thinking ability remaining to make a sensible plan on the spot. Outside the session one can usually think much straighter.

Use the Robot commands

These sessions go much better if you follow the instructions and allow the Robot to give the commands and run the session. If you stop clicking the links and try to do it all in your head instead it really doesn't work so well.