Paul giving a session

Prez: 2-3 Unpleasant Sensations?

AUDIO: "Fine. As you were doing the procedure, did any unpleasant sensations manifest?"

Response Options:

Going OK

Yes, one or more unpleasant sensations manifested

There are no unhandled unpleasant sensations


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The time
The item number and any details
For example:

9:51 am
2-1. X = spouse. Where? Bngq aaoi.
2-2. How big? Mjh.
. . .
Where? Zzxq amwn bbbyt.
How big? Mnjk llp.
Xcd wrd fth!

2-3. Unpl sens? Qk.


Original ACW text

1 -- Where am I?

2 -- How big am I?

Repeat 1-2 over and over to a major win.

Then check:

3 -- As you were doing the procedure, did any unpleasant sensations manifest?


Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish