Response Options:• As best I can, I've embraced the idea of the negative pole of the pair - discharge• As best I can, I've embraced the idea of the negative pole of the pair - no discharge • Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization Write on Report:(Write the names of the pair items. As an example, first time through the "Create/Destroy" pair)__:__ (The time) Create/Destroy Destroy: Y (If simply a yawn and you wish to make no comments), or Destroy: Y lkoi kjuh vnbww fhryd vnfhru ndue (If a yawn and you want to make a comment.) | Notes:How to embrace the ideaEmbrace the idea of the negative polemeans that, without leaving your chair or doing anything too drastic, get into the frame of mind and body postures that go with the negative pole of this pair, shrinking into no-motion and sub-apathy or whatever seems appropriate. Wear the identity, the thoughts, the emotions, the attitudes. Keep up with the rubbing while doing this as best you can. Must have the two items written where you can see themIMPORTANT: Write down the names of the two items clearly and have them where you can see them when running the items, so you don't go off and start running something else by mistake. Mark them clearly on your report for your reference. When you try a new pair, write those down clearly too.Rub continuallyDon't fail to rub continually while getting the concept. It is RUB and Yawn for good reason!Rubincludes stretching. Alternate items, one discharge eachEven if you think you can get more yawns off without doing the other one of the pair, alternate them, one yawn for each. It works better like this. Near the end, it may be difficult to even get the idea of the negative one: in this case get off whatever yawns you can. It will often happen that you simply feel too good to continue the session - that's completely fine. Simply end the session, get on with life, and when you want another session take up the pair again and see if there is more you can get out of it. Maybe there will be and maybe there won't.When is pair flat?The pair is considered flat when you can rub for a whole minute by the clock while thinking of each item without producing any yawns or other similar clear physical discharge (sigh, uncontrollable laughter etc.). If a pair produces no yawns or no further yawns, despite vigorous rubbing for a minute, leave it. This is an arbitrary time limit - if it seems that there is a yawn coming and it is not quite expressed, by all means do the extra bit of work to get it expressed, but don't continue for ages wondering if anything more is going to happen.Pairs are dichotomies but not always exact oppositesThe pairs are usually dichotomies, opposites, but not always. Use general items rather than specific ones, such as "a man/a woman" and not "Uncle Ted/Annie Johnson next door." Choose pairs of opposites as you wish, except that when a pair bites - as manifested by yawns or other obvious physical discharges - then stick with that pair until it is flat, then end the session or go on to another pair. |