Paul giving a session

Dipoles: No Discharge

AUDIO: "Fair enough. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen."

Response Options:

My pair of dipoles discharged well, seem flat for now, and this is a good point to end off the session

My pair of dipoles discharged OK and seem flat for now, but let's continue the session with another pair:

  1. I need to Pick a Pair of dipoles
  2. I now have my next pair written down on the worksheets, and I'm all ready to get on with it

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time)

Ujkh yyeg bgtew. . . . (Comments as appropriate)


Pair discharged well

If your pair of dipoles was discharging well, then do one of the following two points:
  • If it was a good, intense session with a lot of things happening, lots of energy exchange going on, and it seems like you have reached the proper end point for the session, then we'll end the session very soon. Click the first link.
  • If it was OK, by all means continue with another pair of dipoles.
    1. Click the Pick a Pair link for instructions and suggestions.
    2. Once you have a pair to work on, written down on the worksheets, click the get on with it link.

Pair did not discharge well

If your pair of dipoles was not discharging well, click the Don't want to continue link (even if you do want to continue) and see if there is anything helpful for you there.