Paul giving a session

Dipoles: Pick a Pair

AUDIO: "All right. Pick a pair of opposites you are interested in working with this session."

Response Options:

I've written down a pair — let's go

I've written down a pairClose it if this is an extra window

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time)

Positive pole: Mjkj nghfyr jnhfe mkw (M)

Negative pole: Qkju jiyt rrde zxpl (Qk)


Pick a pair

You might want to take the first pair that comes to mind. Or you might have a list you're working through. However you do it, decide on a pair to take a look at.

Which one is positive? Which negative?

Call the obviously positive one the positive pole, the other the negative pole. If it is not obvious, label as fits best.

Not all pairs are charged

On the next screen, you will start addressing the pair, beginning with the negative pole. Remember — especially if you are working through a list someone else suggested — you might get off only a few yawns. You might get off none at all. So be ready to go on to another pair after a few minutes if needed.

Use abbreviations for each pole on worksheets

On the report, also note an abbreviation for each pole, even a single letter, to differentiate between them when noting yawns etc.

Examples of pairs

But try to use your own, not these:
  • be filthy rich / be poor
  • love/hate
  • be extroverted / be introspective
  • get lots of exercise / be lazy
  • get married / be single.